3 Managers Walked Into A Bar Last Friday During Happy Hour…

Three managers walked into a bar to complain about organizational leadership…

The first manager, Mr. Ph.D., said, “organizational change requires clear definitions of terms and adoption of a theoretical model for our success.”

The second manager, Mr. Charisma, said, “That’s B.S. We just need common sense to get these people moving toward a common goal.”

The third manager, Mr. Technical, said, “Until we adopt better IT and process deliverables we cannot achieve our intended outcomes.”

The bartender leaned forward and asked, “So, where do you three work?”

The bartender’s implication is that these three voices represent three different organizations. But these perspectives could represent three conflicting voices within one manager’s head. Or your head. Or my head. And we process these conflicting voices in a millisecond.

Whatever you think (your theoretical construct or mental model) determines how you interpret the world (external stimuli or stresses) and make decisions (internal adaptation).

One manager turned back to the bartender and replied, “We all work on the same team at the same company.”

And the wise bartender asked, “How’s it going for you?”

There is a gap between those 3 models. Imagine a Venn diagram with Technology, Process, and People.

  • Technology can be bought and sold, and used by competing organizations.
  • Processes can be adopted or improved, and used by competing organizations.
  • People and their social capital determine the unique success of your organization. Or your failure.

Organizational theories fail when they don’t provide systems for managers to make sound decisions. So, what works best?

Coaching people based on their expertise to make smarter decisions is the only solution with over 200% ROI. We guarantee that outcome. Since 1997.

But, not every person is coachable. You do not want to waste money.

Here is a 7-question assessment to find out whether you or your team members will benefit from coaching or not. It is based on my global dissertation research using professional coaches to accelerate leader outcomes.

Coach-ablility Scale

Coach-Ability Scale

P.S. Let me know if any of these 3 managers sound familiar to you. Or if you are coachable.

P.P.S. Or reply to the wise bartender’s question, “How’s it going for you?”

Action leads to learning.  What are you waiting for?

To contact Doug Gray, CEO, PCC, call 615.236.1892 or contact us here.  Today.