In order to move your organization forward, you need to know where you’re starting. Action Learning Associates offers a number of assessments to determine where you and your team currently are. We can assess your…
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Blind Spots
- Hidden Talents
… and then make recommendations to help you reach your business goals.

Select the Assessments That Best Fit Your Needs
Executive Leader Assessment (ELA)
Sometimes we all struggle to separate the “stars within the team.” You may require objectivity and accurate assessments to identify your top leaders and recommend succession planning. We will partner with your organizations to define critical competencies, measure those competencies, and then develop leadership behaviors toward those business outcomes.
Individual Assessment of Behavior Styles, Motivators, Values, and Emotional Intelligence
This digital assessment is a perfect first step. Leadership development starts with 1) self-awareness and self-care, then moves to 2) social awareness and social management. Become a smarter leader, now.
Individual Assessment of Positive Psychology
The goal of this individual assessment is to determine your signature strengths and Psychological Capital, so that you can leverage those strengths in your professional and personal life.
Manager Leader Assessment for Organizational Fit
Assessments include DISC (natural and adapted behavioral styles), PIAV (values and motivators), Hogan personality suite (strengths, motivators, derailers) and an organizational assessment.
Team Assessment. Quantitative Focus
Teams only win when they share objectives and leverage individual talents. And because that is such a rarity, most teams fail. You need to assess the strengths, weaknesses, hidden talents, goals and blind spots of your team. You need to measure what matters.