Action Learning Associates

Article published: Why Millennials Demand OKR Leadership

On January 23, 2020 this article was published at Alister Paine.  You may like it.

The link is .

The text of the article is here for you to share.

The first paragraph is here…

Millennials think they are unique.  Just ask one.  However, throughout history there have always been population surges after wars, diseases and migrations.  So, what makes the current population of millennials, born in the U.S. between 1981-1996, truly unique?  They represent over 75 million people, 25% of the U.S. population, a larger population surge than the post-war Baby Boom, 30% of the voting age, more diversity than any previous generation, and about 50% of today’s workforce (see  These millennials are uniquely qualified to use new tools such as digital technology to communicate, social media platforms to influence consumers and public opinions, graphic images and visual memes, ethnic and racial diversity to describe more inclusive perspectives.  The result is massive impact from countless millennials in every workplace and business sector.  Examples include social protests, outrage, political discord, lawsuits, reputational attacks.  Millennials are agile learners who demand to speak and be heard.  That fact requires that learning managers and leaders respond differently than ever.

I enjoyed writing that article.  Let’s continue the conversation.  Here are 6 great resources for you, your team, and your organization.

  1. Free ebook download and videos are at
  2. Free digital courses on OKR Leadership are at
  3. Free copy of the first chapter of my new book, Objectives + Key Results (OKR) Leadership; How to apply Silicon Valley’s secret sauce to your career, team or organization (2019).
  4. Please buy and share copies of my book. Print and ebook versions are at The audible copy will be available shortly.
  5. Invitation to join the 2020 OKR Leadership Project.  I am collecting examples at Invitation to join the OKR Leadership Project. Think of this project as the 2020 version of “Chicken Soup for Practicing OKR Leadership.”
  6. Invitation to schedule a complimentary session with me at

All your best,  Doug