Action Learning Associates

How can you ensure success with remote work or remote teams?

Remote work and remote teams are “here to stay.” I have been working remotely since 2004.

As you know, humans have always adapted to aversive stimuli, such as a global virus, in one of two ways: Fear and Resilience.

  1. FEAR

If you are paralyzed by fear, then I encourage you to ONLY read social media once a day. In the morning. For no more than 10 minutes. Instead, read the facts from 2-3 sources that represent public interests, such as public safety, and ways to practice new patterns of communication. See the links below. Fear prevents clear thinking.


Resilience is defined as our ability to respond to an aversive stimuli and return to a previous state, or a better state. Resilience is dynamic. Resilience can be taught and developed. Here are some examples.

  1. Create something special for someone else. It will force you to engage your prefrontal cortex, be mindful ,and practice gratitude. Here is an example that I created yesterday called “How to Lead Virtual Teams.” You can apply it to your family, work team, or favorite non profit. Please share it with others.
  2. Read something uplifting and new. One of my favorites is the Greater Good Science Center here. Search for funny videos on YouTube. Share them with your friends. Study a free course online. Visit the daily digest at Good News Network or Happify.
  3. Contact 5 or more different people every day, and do something kind for them. When we practice kindness with different people, the effect is greater on our subjective well-being / happiness than if we focus on one special person. Share your love. “Sprinkling kindness” has more impact than “focusing kindness.”
  4. Practice both social distancing and virtual connecting. They go hand in hand. We have more digital tools than ever in human history to practice virtual connections. You can send short videos to quarantined people in assisted living homes. You can distribute home baked goods and cards to your neighbors. You can meet using Skype/ Zoom/ WebEx/ Facetime at any time to brighten someone’s day, or dance, or exercise, or laugh together. I did so 4 times today. How about you?

For those small business leaders and managers seeking answers from the Small Business Association, go to

For those seeking information in financial security, speak to your advisor, accountant or go to

We are all in this together. And we always have been. Today those facts are more evident than ever.

The rate of change will be faster tomorrow than it is today. So, I encourage you to practice resilience and use these resources today.

Here’s to you, at your best, Doug