How to Coach Safety Coaches; 7 Proven Tips, by Doug Gray, published in Professional Safety, Feb 2013. Coach safety coaches Feb 2013 p.1.rtfd Coach safety coaches Feb 2013 p.2.rtfd This article was written at the request of the editors of Professional Safety, the...
What is Safety Leadership Coaching?
My definition: Safety Leadership Coaching is an emerging field of professional development for yourself and others. TIP: Scan the words in bold. Then apply them to your world. Then call me to discuss. The phrase "emerging field" recognizes the fact that the safety...
The Value of Being A Safety Coach, Most of the Time
The Value of Being a Safety Coach, Most of the Time, Doug Gray, published in Professional Safety, August, 2013. ASSE0813.ValueSafetyCoaching This article was written at the request of the editors, and with many contributors. Feel free to copy and share as you see...
How to develop Strategic Partnerships that work
Most strategic partnerships fail. The often publicly stated reason is that there was some "inequity in resources." That is rubbish. The private reason is that the potential partners did not have clear role definitions. Great coaches should be able to help...
2 rules for Power, Sales and Greatness
Recently I read an article that inspired me to share these 2 rules: 1. Never give power away to an event that has not yet occurred. Humans are motivated by fear and greed, as well as faith and service. When I am slow to call a sales prospect, I am giving away my...
How Tablets and Apps will define your business
Let's start with some facts. Then trends. Then implementable solutions. Facts: Apple introduced the iPad in 2010 as a revolutionary device By 2016 an estimated 650 million tablets will have been sold globally. Pretty revolutionary, huh? In a 2012 poll by CDW,...
How to make money in consulting
Since 1997 I have been a consultant. Rates are described here. There are two types of consultants: 1. those who make money and 2. those who do not make money. To explain in detail, consider the story (perhaps familiar) of Rich Dad and Poor Dad. Then add new...
The Action + Learning + Service = Success Formula
I have recently developed this 3-part formula for success. Let me know what you think. Draw an equilateral triangle. Label each corner "Action", "Learning", and "Service." Place a dot in the center. 1. Actions define successful businesses. Founders and anyone...
How to use mobile app contests to promote business development and cross selling
Did you know that over 90% of apps are downloaded once, then not used again? That fact bothers me. We have technology that enables us to BUILD relationships. Look at the use of Linked In and internal social sites for business development. Look at our ability to...
My articles published in for financial advisors
FYI in 2007 I submitted the following articles to, a digital library designed to accelerate business development for financial advisors. You can apply any of these articles to your business or service. 1. 10 Tips for Distinctive Client Service ...
How to use Slideshare to promote your business is a library of free presentations from "expert contributors." Once you contribute, you are then an expert. De facto. Spend some time poking around the search function. Note the variety of topics. Find your topic. Then imagine how you can add your...
How to increase your sales
Too many "sales experts" have fuzzy theory and fuzzy results. Here is a template that I have developed over time. It works great. Steal this template. Call me for details if needed. Sales Proposal TemplateDownload Notes: Accountability is a hard...