Action Learning Associates Blog

How to change behavior in three steps

Thankfully, as a species and as individuals, we know that humans adapt to environmental stimuli. Behavior changes when we (1) modify the cues (e.g. positive or negative triggers), then (2) we change the routine (e.g. gestalt, patterns) and (3) we include regular...

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How to diagnose physician resilience

Physicians with resilience have: Increased career satisfaction Higher personal life satisfaction Enhanced performance and efficacy Engagement with lifelong learning Skills that may be modeled and directly transferable to patients (e.g., CBT) Thankfully, resilience can...

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learning and development: loop 2 of 6 in talent management

How do you measure learning and development? The Greeks believed that the “rope of one’s life” was defined by three fates, who spun the thread of life, measured it, and then cut it. Instead,  imagine that your career can be described using a 10’ long piece of rope. If...

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talent acquisition: loop 1 of 6 in talent management

The 6 Loops in Talent Management Lifecycle The Greeks maintained that the “rope of one’s life” was defined by three fates, who spun the thread of life, measured it, and then cut it. Now imagine that your career can be described using a 10’ long piece of rope. If you...

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Physician burnout: definition and scope

What is physician burnout? Let’s start by defining the problem. The psychiatric definition of physician burnout is embedded somewhere in this word cloud. We do not mean to scare you, really. Note that each of these words is a harsh description of a “depressive...

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Physician burnout and engagement by specialty

How often have you heard a physician state "I just don't have the energy to do my job any more." According to a national survey in the Archives of Internal Medicine (2012), physicians in the U.S. suffer more burnout than other American workers. Burnout is typically...

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Physician burnout: how are you feeling?

Since the days of Hippocrates, physicians have been taught to ask this question… "How are you feeling?" And some will state to me, in confidential moments, that they are feeling depressed, overwhelmed, unexcited about providing care to others, unable to pay their...

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Fee ranges for coaching services

There is chaos in the executive coaching and leadership consulting industry. The top 6 reasons for that chaos include  1) low barrier to entry by anyone who chooses to call himself an “executive coach,” 2) low accountability for the coaching process, 3) unclear...

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2014 Executive Coaching summary from the Conference Board

Hello friends, I thought you may want to see some recent trend data for external coaching and internal coaching, by industry and size of company. Highlights: After the recession, companies are investing more than ever in leadership development and key talent, with...

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Physician Burnout: you are not alone

The goal of this slide series is to focus on you. Or to help any physician who may be struggling with burnout.  Please forward this blog. Download this link for the slide deck: Physician_Burnout_061615 Thank you for taking a few minutes to learn about physician...

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What is the core of every physician-patient relationship?

The core of physician-patient relationships is trust. But what do you know about your physician's values regarding end of life decisions, or women's reproductive choice?  What do you know about the treatment and care suggested by your physician, who may be eligible...

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