Chance Meetings

What are the odds that:

  1. The prospect you just called and left a message for at his work number is there at the airport when you are?
  2. That you each look up and see each other?
  3. That you are flying at about the same time from the same terminal and have enough time for a beer and dinner?
  4. That you chat for over an hour about careers, consulting, family, business opportunities together?  In a breathless, gushing exchange of optimism.
  5. That his direct report replied earlier in the day saying “we are not moving forward because we have selected another consultant” and he says “the meetings this afternoon did not go well and we are not sure how to proceed”?  Those doors remain open…
  6. That he misses his flight and you have to say, “I am so sad…”

Some Hollywood script?  No, a true snapshot of last week’s chance meeting with a good friend and a great prospect.  Life beckons, and we either dance or not.  We had a great dinner.  He missed his flight.  There are always consequences.  He was able to spend another night at home with his young family, and still make his meetings the next day in Dallas.  And they upgraded his ticket to first class.

Sometimes a great conversation is worth more than a flight.

Amid our gushing conversation I leveled him when I asked, “How many positive, anabolic people do you have in your life right now?”

He sighed and said, “Not enough.”

Naturally, I followed up with what I think is the Magic Number.  10.  We all need at least 10 positive, anabolic people in our lives if we want to be positive and anabolic…. The number is less important than the point.  I choose to separate myself from those who are pessimistic or catabolic.  You know who they are.  Some 85% of the work force.  Some 85% of the population.

According to my friend Bruce Schneider, PhD, the founder of iPEC, that bulk of the population needs energy leadership coaching and consulting.  We can all learn to be more optimistic.   I am a certified Energy Leadership Professional and strongly recommend his programs described at

Optimism is a learned trait.  Martin Seligman’s bestsellers are a great resource.  Formerly the President of the American Psychological Association, he helped thousands of psychologists, coaches, and consultants shift from “mental illness” to “mental health.”  Just search under “Authentic Happiness” or “Positive Psychology” and you will be inundated by his reach from research in learned helplessness to the University of Pennsylvania.  The Authentic Happiness Coaching movement is a testimony to the need for coaching and training that promotes optimism.

So, back to that “chance meeting” in the airport…

What are the odds that we all have the same need?    In my experience, we all NEED to connect with positive, anabolic people every day.  Just as we need 10 hugs each day, we need 10 positive anabolic people in our world.

Do you have 10 positive, anabolic people in your world?

The primary reason leaders and managers hire me is so that I can extend a confidential, external, positive perspective on their world.

For a complimentary conversation about your personal or professional life, call 704.895.6479.  I would like to know what is important for you!