Our First Summit was a Success! Are you ready for the next?

The first Action Learning Summit was held on Friday, May 20, 2016 at the Marriott in Nashville, TN. and was a huge success! If you missed this one, don’t worry, our second Summit is coming up!

What is the Action Learning Summit? Imagine 11 strategic business leaders sharing their expertise to a select group of progressive business leaders. Add excellent food and drink and we have a recipe for success.

Here is some of what you missed, plus some video testimonials..

Assumption:  I have no doubt that a select group of smart people (like us) can change the world.

1.You stated that your day would be remarkable if you:

  • Increased your network
  • Heard some incredible stories from business leaders
  • Learn how to delegate; learn to ask for help
  • Learn some new information that I can apply immediately
  • Use the Action Learning Process with my team
  • Solve specific problems; learn how to scale my business

2.  At the end of the day several takeaways included:

  • Hearing stories from remarkable business leaders
  • Selecting accountability steps for me to achieve my goals
  • Appreciation for asking questions rather than telling
  • Use of the Action learning process to solve a real problem
  • Creating new connections with great people
  • Thinking about how to apply PsyCap to my business
  • Thinking about how to assess social capital

Hold the date:  join us on Friday, November 18, 2016.

To Register Click Here Now!

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Testimonials from our Summits..