How to increase employee engagement? New science for practitioners

Recently I was asked to speak at the Human Resource conference for the State of Tennessee.  They wanted four sessions on “How to increase employee engagement.”

The content and videos are located here.

Here is the session description:

Studies continue to show that employee engagement in the workplace remains low- around the 30% range.  Low levels of employee engagement have a negative impact on achieving organizational goals, and create a workplace that does not encourage high performance.  During this session, we will answer the three key questions of employee engagement:  1) What do we know from evidence-based science?  2) How can I apply that science to increase my personal level of engagement?   3) How can I improve the engagement levels of others?  This course introduces a new model based on positive psychology practices, called the AD-FIT%TM model, that you can apply immediately.

This course provides leaders at all levels with an introduction into the science and practice of employee engagement.  Any manager or leader with a growth mindset can apply this course content to lead individual, group or organizational change in your business.  This content has been distributed to thousands of leaders in governments, private and nonprofit organizations, as well as individuals.

The content of this course is gleaned from thousands of our leadership consulting clients since 1997, and the presenter’s dissertation research on positive psychology.

The goal of this course is to introduce leaders like you to world-class techniques so that you gain competitive advantage.

Learning objectives:

  • Recognize key variables that influence employee engagement
  • Discover how to measure employee engagement
  • Identify how to increase individual employee engagement
  • Identify how to develop organizational employee engagement

Please contact us for the handout before viewing the video section of this course.

The content and videos are located here.

Action leads to learning.  What are you waiting for?

To contact Doug Gray, CEO, PCC, call 615.236.1892 or contact us here.  Today.

How can I use Systems Thinking to improve my business? Two case studies

This morning I  explained Systems Thinking to a client who owns a small leadership development business using professional actors.  This CEO was struggling to articulate the unique value of his company.  And he needed to prepare for a big meeting with a prospective buyer tomorrow that could lead to 10x his previous revenue for 2016.  I mentioned leverage, Archimedes, and the idea that “with a big enough lever one could change the world.”  When he wanted examples, I described the applied systems thinking that Macdonald, Burk and Stewart (2006) implemented at entrenched mining companies in Australia.  When he wanted to find simple words to describe the cascading effects of organizational change, he drew a model with concentric circles like a bulls-eye.  The smallest ring was unlabeled, to represent the chaotic core of deep change, the next ring was individual, then team, then organizational, then societal.  I think that he this process of thinking has now helped him find the words he needs to sell his services tomorrow. I am looking forward to hearing his results.

This afternoon I met with a fellow board member of our Association of Talent Development (ATD) chapter to plan 2016 activities.  She leads Learning and Development at Bridgestone and I discussed with her Systems Thinking.  She needs to prepare to replace an aging workforce, and has developed programs with the largest university in the state, MTSU, using values from their company and partnering with the US Naval Academy and US Army at West Point.  In short, they desire to teach essential leadership skills using their company values at a public university.  Concurrently, Bridgestone needs to relocate 30-50% of their senior leaders from two other states to their new corporate headquarters in Nashville, without losing significant intellectual capital.  She is excited and overwhelmed about the changes ahead for Bridgestone, and appreciated discussing ways to apply Senge’s (2996) model of a learning organization to those changes.  I think that she has the resources she needs to implement systems thinking and I will continue to be available to her as the process continues.

Notice the pattern?

We can have many case studies from our clients that can help you make smarter decisions today.  Call Doug GRay, PCC, at 615.905.1892 or contact us today.

Is your business ready to improve by applying systems thinking?  If so Contact Us Today!

MacDonald, I., Burke, C., & Stewart, K. (2006). Systems Leadership: Creating Positive Organizations. Hampshire, England: Gower.

Senge, P. M. (2006). The Fifth Discipline: the Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. Random House/Currency.