Predictive Assessments for your Senior leaders…

Hello Ric,

So nice to see you yesterday.  (I’m excited about the volunteer work we are doing for …)

Yesterday we talked about the possibility of providing assessments for senior leaders at Company ABC.

We have never discussed your need for multi-method, multi rater assessments that have tremendous predictive validity.  This methodology is  much better than any assessments I have found, in 30+ years of assessment work.  If interested, I  encourage you to forward the attached information to your colleagues for review.

How much would you be willing to invest in information that predicted your senior leadership talent and bench strength and succession needs?  I would like to meet with you or your colleagues who might need such predictive assessments.

I have partnered with Adam Ortiz, at Executive Development Consulting, to do this work for other clients.  We would love to provide these assessments for Company ABC, at any location.

Your benefits include:

  • Scalable, duplicatable model with external objective assessors
  • We have the capacity to deploy immediately, with teams of assessors already working throughout the world
  • Doug and Adam bring expertise with a career of assessments, plus leadership coaching expertise throughout the world.
  • This multi-method, multi rater assessment process can be replicated throughout any division at your firm, and the reliability and validity is extraordinary.
  • Cost effective assessments that provides objective data, with tremendous predictive validity, that have extraordinary value to you and your colleagues as you make strategic decisions about senior leaders.

If you have any interest in discussing any coaching or assessment work, please let me know.

I am confident that we can provide tremendous value to your firm.

Respectfully, Doug Gray, PCC

704.895.6479 office,  704.995.6647 cell

Do poor people smile more often?

Recently I watched a Netflix video on the Dalai Lama…

And he stated that poor people smile more often.

If the reincarnated Buddha, a fountain of wisdom and mystery for hundreds of thousands of people, were to hit me with a hammer, then perhaps I should listen.  Is that true?  Do poor people smile more often?  He certainly made me think…

The Dalai Lama explained that westerners, and wealthy people in particular, do not smile as often.

With higher net worth comes fear of protection.  He called it “excessive greed.”  Hmmm….

Is that true?

So I did a quick “Thought Experiment.”  Just like years ago in graduate school.  I imagined two isolated control groups and tested this thesis.

Group 1:  A recent gathering of parents and independent school students.  Dressed to kill for Prom.  At a private backyard.  With a photographer. Spectacular flowers and layers of gardens.  Private waterfall.  Limos waiting outside.  Dozens of spectacularly dressed young people.  Casually dressed parents.  Gnoshing on appetizers, wine, beer, cake pops on a stick. Casual conversations.  Smile factor among the higher net worth crowd:  4 out of 10.

Group 2:  A recent gathering of college students at an independent coffee shop.  Gatherings of 1-3 people.  Macbooks and ear buds.  Light music.  Sunlight cascading through the hexagonal shaped room.  Windows retrieved from some ancient church.  Plants overflowing from colorful ceramic pots.  Ripped jeans and tatoos.  Black grunge tee shirts sitting next to red flannel shirts.  Occasional outbursts of laughter.  Smile factor among the lower net worth crowd:  6 out of town.

These results are inconclusive.

What do you think?

Do poor people smile more often?

Call me with your story and examples… at 704.895.6479

Success is in your blood…

… maybe.

Consider your antecedents.

“Antecedents” refers to your family or origin, parents, and grandparents.  These are “your people.”  They left you with strong messages about your probability of success.

If in doubt, read Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.

If still in doubt, reflect on the messages passed on by your antecedents.

Here are two examples:

My running partner, George, has parents who met in the second grade, as school children in the midwest.  One grandfather took him for ice cream almost every day.  The other grandfather took him on weeklong trips every summer.  His extended family lived within blocks of one another.  They slept at each other’s homes.  Some family members disliked each other. But they traveled together and kept their differences to themselves.  And in the depression, one patriarch left the banking world to sell life insurance.  He made money for over 50 years… In a similar way,  George does the same work that he started at age 17 when he joined the Air Force.  Executive assessments and coaching and consulting.  His antecedents taught him something about independent judgement, business, and long term focus.

My former client, Harry, has family roots from Ontario and Buffalo, NY.  Everyone in his family skates backwards.  His grandfather was the personnel manager at the largest local business.  As such, he hired hundreds of people, including all the sisters at Harry’s grandmother’s side of the family.  All of them were employees, workers.  They measured success by hours endured at work.  During the depression Harrys’ grandfather on his mother’s side was given enough wood to build a cottage on Lake Erie.  For generations thereafter, hundreds of his descendants gathered there for summer picnics and volleyball games.  Then they returned to work early Monday morning… In contrast, Harry rebelled against that life style.  He travelled the world.  He became a masterful salesman.  Then he started his small business.  He became very successful.  His passion?  Harry refused to life the same life as his antecedents.

So, take a minute to do the following:

1.  Make a list of “who” and “what.”  Who were you antecedents and what did they teach you?

2.  Share that list with 6 people in your Inner Circle.  If you do not have 6 people, then you need to invite them.  Or hire me.

Success is largely shaped by our antecedents.

For details on how to be more successful, then call me at 704.895.6479


Corporate earnings vs. wage earnings vs. professional development

Perhaps you have seen this chart from Q4, 2012?  This data amazed me.

The red line indicates corporate earnings, which are at an all time high.

The blue line indicates individual wage earnings, which are at an all time low.

The gap between these lines is one indication of low engagement by most workers.

IMHO we need more professional development of key talent.  Companies have the cash assets.  Individuals have the need.

What does this gap suggest about the need for professional development at your company?

What does this gap suggest about the proliferation of outsourced specialized roles, such as external coaching and consulting?  (Some 40% of the American workforce…)

I need your help.  I am part of that 40%.

Since 1997, I have guaranteed results with coaching and consulting clients.

Please give me a call and let me know how you are doing.  704.895.6479.  Thanks.

My coaching guarantee

Since 1997, I have provided an unconditional guarantee on coaching services from Action Learning Associates.

There is no “fine print.”

If you are not happy, then I do not want your money.

With many clients, I offer a coaching for results guarantee.  If we agree to work together, and you do the work, then you can pay me at any time.  I guarantee high value.  To date, after hundreds of clients, 100% of them have paid for their coaching services.  Some agreed to pay a lesser amount than we had expected.  Some agreed to pay more.  Virtually 100% found the coaching to be valuable.

Here is why I provide that guarantee.  When I was in high school I had two paper routes.  And I worked at a warehouse after school.  And I cleaned windows and did lawns in the neighborhood.  One neighbor wanted the windows cleaned.  I said, “Yes of course.”  It took about two days.  Imagine sweaty grimy paper towels and windex.  Three stories of filthy windows.  Midsummer heat.  I was tired… but I did my best to do the job.  When the neighbor asked how much to pay me, I countered with, “Let me ask you two questions and then we will likely agree on a number.”

The first question was, “Were you delighted with the service I provided and would you hire me or refer me if the need arose again?”  She said yes.

The second question was,  “What was the value of this service for you?”  She said a number that was higher than what I expected.  I said thank you.

That was in 1981 or so… and I have used that process ever since.

Recently I learned that Marshall Goldsmith, a premier executive coach, uses a similar model when coaching for results.  Here is that model:



Our coaching tracks the proven eight-step process:

  1. Select the appropriate coach
  2. Measure baseline performance
  3. Identify areas for skills development
  4. Formulate a custom training regimen
  5. Secure stakeholder buy-in
  6. Implement the training regimen
  7. Follow up with stakeholders
  8. Measure results
I like this model and this list.  There are no “fine details.”  All about coaching for results.
So, are you ready to work together?  Give me a call now.