by Doug Gray | Feb 4, 2020 | Business, change, Leadership, Managers, OKR Leadership Skills, published articles
On January 23, 2020 this article was published at Alister Paine. You may like it.
The link is .
The text of the article is here for you to share.
The first paragraph is here…
Millennials think they are unique. Just ask one. However, throughout history there have always been population surges after wars, diseases and migrations. So, what makes the current population of millennials, born in the U.S. between 1981-1996, truly unique? They represent over 75 million people, 25% of the U.S. population, a larger population surge than the post-war Baby Boom, 30% of the voting age, more diversity than any previous generation, and about 50% of today’s workforce (see These millennials are uniquely qualified to use new tools such as digital technology to communicate, social media platforms to influence consumers and public opinions, graphic images and visual memes, ethnic and racial diversity to describe more inclusive perspectives. The result is massive impact from countless millennials in every workplace and business sector. Examples include social protests, outrage, political discord, lawsuits, reputational attacks. Millennials are agile learners who demand to speak and be heard. That fact requires that learning managers and leaders respond differently than ever.
I enjoyed writing that article. Let’s continue the conversation. Here are 6 great resources for you, your team, and your organization.
- Free ebook download and videos are at
- Free digital courses on OKR Leadership are at
- Free copy of the first chapter of my new book, Objectives + Key Results (OKR) Leadership; How to apply Silicon Valley’s secret sauce to your career, team or organization (2019).
- Please buy and share copies of my book. Print and ebook versions are at The audible copy will be available shortly.
- Invitation to join the 2020 OKR Leadership Project. I am collecting examples at Invitation to join the OKR Leadership Project. Think of this project as the 2020 version of “Chicken Soup for Practicing OKR Leadership.”
- Invitation to schedule a complimentary session with me at
All your best, Doug
by Doug Gray | Jan 3, 2020 | change, Leadership, Managers, OKR Leadership Skills
Please share these podcasts with your friends and families.
Published on 1.3.20. Interviewer: Tayo Rockson. Title: 487: The Real Way To Cultivate Leadership With Doug Gray
Published on 1.22.20 on Business Talk Radio. Interviewer is Christopher Roberts.
The 8-minute interview is at
by Doug Gray | Nov 19, 2019 | book review, Business, change, Leadership, Leadership Coach Nashville, leadership workshop, Managers, OKR Leadership Skills, organizational leadership, Resources, strengths, Success
Please help me promote my new leadership book!
Title: Objectives + Key Results (OKR) Leadership; How to apply Silicon Valley’s secret sauce to your career, team or organization.
Please forward this page to your friends and colleagues today.
Then write a review in your favorite social media platform. Mention my title: Objectives + Key Results (OKR) Leadership; How to apply Silicon Valley’s secret sauce to your career, team or organization.
Please share these testimonials with your team or organization:
“Doug Gray makes the complex understandable. More important, he makes it doable.”
Craig E. Aronoff, Ph.D., author, Chairman and co-founder, The Family Business Consulting Group, Inc.
“Doug builds on the OKR approach with practical and valuable guidance for individuals, teams and organizations. If you plan on implementing OKRs for your organization, you need this book.”
John Mattox, PhD, author, Head of Talent Research, Metrics that Matter, Explorance
“Introducing the OKR framework has not only allowed us to align our company goals throughout the organization, but it has also provided an easy mechanism to give visibility into how we drive operational accountability.”
Justin Jude, Acting President, LKQ Corp, North America
“Finally, a much needed leadership focus on the importance of clear objectives and specific, measurable results. This book will be useful not just for the present but throughout a practitioner’s career.“
Dave Vance, PhD, author, Executive Director, Center for Talent Reporting
Thank you in advance for your help.
Here’s to you, at your best!
Doug Gray, PhD, PCC . 615.236.9845
by Doug Gray | May 24, 2019 | change, Leadership, OKR Leadership Skills, organizational leadership
TO: Objectives and Key Results (OKR) practitioners/ leaders/ managers
FR: Doug Gray, PhD, PCC
Goal of the OKR leadership project:
Invite practitioners/ leaders/ managers in any-sized organization to share digital stories of HOW you are applying OKRs individually and organizationally.
- Leaders practice leadership. We can all be better leaders.
- We can leverage technology and our organizations. We can use technology to share stories of how OKR leadership can transform individuals and teams.
- OKR Leadership matters. When we model relationships that matter, then we increase awareness and learning for other individuals and teams.
After consulting hundreds of leaders and managers about OKR leadership one theme stands clear. Marketing the value of using OKRs is NOT well defined. Market confusion abounds. This OKR Leadership Project is one initiative to help anyone at any level describe HOW you are applying OKRs individually and organizationally in our global marketplace. Join us?
(a) share this invitation broadly with other OKR practitioners, (b) schedule a 30-minute session with Doug Gray here or at (c) receive the calendar confirmation link and reserve that time in your calendar, (d) prepare your responses to the 5-6 questions below, (e) download software and learn how to use Zoom software on YouTube, if needed, (f) at our scheduled time, Doug will record 5-10 minutes of our video session using the link at (g) Doug will send your MP4 recording to you for your distribution, (h) Doug may post our recording on with this invitation to be included in the OKR leadership project.
Possible questions:
- Self-introduction: Who are you, what do you do, where are you located, do you have a website or invitation to share with others?
- Definition: OKR leadership can be defined as a management methodology that helps people focus activity on the same important issues throughout an organization. Some people focus on internal teams (small or large, formal or informal), some people are external practitioners, and some people focus on self-development. How do you typically define OKR leadership?
- Interests: What attracts you to the science or practice of OKR leadership?
- Clients: Who do you typically serve in your OKR leadership work? Please share 2-3 of your examples/ case studies/ successful experiences applying objectives and key results.
- Trends: What trends or market opportunities do you see in the future for OKR leadership, technology or management consulting?
- Referrals: Who else can you refer who (a) is applying OKR leadership with others and (b) may be willing to be included in this OKR leadership project?
How can you help? Share this invitation broadly.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
FYI, here is a 3-minute excerpt from a keynote presentation that I gave in March, 2019 to over 700m business leaders in Denver, CO.
Here’s to you, at your best…
by Doug Gray | Apr 21, 2019 | Business, change, Leadership, Managers, organizational leadership
FACT: Data Speaks.
Consider how this creepy image speaks to you.
This week, U.S. attorney General William Barr released a 400-page redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election to Congress and the public. Consider how that data speaks to you. A client suggested that most people “see-speak-hear” that data as if we were monkeys… filled with bias.
Consider how these 3 data points speak to you…
- Twitter removed 70 million fraudulent accounts in only two months in 2018 (source: Inc, May 2019)
- Facebook removed 583 million fake accounts in the first three months of 2019 (source: Inc, May 2019)
- In my world of leadership consulting, “a lengthy global effort to create standards for reporting human capital metrics is expected to be announced this week. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) will issue its guidelines for 23 human capital reporting measures, including a Leadership Trust Index (LTI) that may inform institutional investors, private investors and global business leaders” (Steve Maxwell presenting at the Center for Talent Reporting Annual Conference, February 21, 2019).
FACT: All leaders and managers struggle to collect and analyze data.
You probably know that ISO standards have defined quality improvement and safety investments in countless organizations since they were first introduced in 1947. These worldwide proprietary, industrial and commercial standards have been adopted in 164 countries.
What if your organization collected and distributed data on the following 23 human capital measures into these 9 categories?
- Ethics (number and type of employee grievances filed; number and type of concluded disciplinary actions; percentage of employees who have completed training on compliance and ethics)
- Costs (total workforce costs)
- Workforce diversity (with respect to age, gender, disability, and “other indicators of diversity”; and diversity of leadership team)
- Leadership (“leadership trust,” to be determined by employee surveys)
- Organizational safety, health, and well-being (lost time for injury; number of occupational accidents; number of people killed during work)
- Productivity (EBIT/revenue/turnover/profit per employee; human capital ROI, or the ratio of income or revenue to human capital)
- Recruitment, mobility, and turnover (average time to fill vacant positions; average time to fill critical business positions; percentage of positions filled internally; percentage of critical business positions filled internally; turnover rate)
- Skills and capabilities (total development and training costs)
- Workforce availability (number of employees; full-time equivalents)
How would that data speak in your world?
Privately held companies may use these human capital data for directional initiatives such as replacing managers with high turnover ratios identified as “toxic managers” or investing in high growth departments that require training in OKR leadership skills. For details contact us.
Publicly held companies may use these human capital data for multi-directional initiatives designed to retain more diverse employees, eliminating bias in hiring, or retaining desired employees with external coaching and consulting. For details see
Consider one final example. Imagine a 17-year district sales manager who had regularly been promoted within her company as recognition for her history of ratings that “exceed expectations.” Then she was asked to relocate into a new geography and had 4 different managers within 5 years. The goal incentives were increased 300%. She had to hire 3 new direct reports within 8 weeks. Then her new manager stated that she “should not speak to anyone in the corporate office, even when he did not repeatedly provide required information for business decisions.” How does that data speak?
FACT: All leaders and managers struggle to collect and analyze data.
OPINION: I predict massive changes ahead in public accountability and transparency and data-driven decision making.
If you need expertise in collecting and analyzing data for your organization, then you should contact us today.
FACT: The market demands that you will increase the probability of competitive success if you can make more informed decisions before others.
In response to a client’s request, I created a free digital course called “OKR Leadership Skills” that you can take here. The Objectives and Key Results (OKR) management process has enabled countless F100 and small business leaders to increase accountability and transparency. OKR leadership has been described as the “secret sauce” that explains the largest migration of financial assets in human history to Silicon Valley in the last 30 years. OKR leadership is another example of How Data Speaks.
Here is one final example. Here is a 3-minute excerpt of a keynote presentation on OKR leadership that I provided in March, 2019 to over 700 business leaders in Denver, CO. You may need a similar data story in your organization.
Here’s to you, at your best,
Doug Gray, PhD, PCC, CEO of Action Learning Associates, LLC
by Doug Gray | Mar 25, 2019 | change, Coaching, organizational leadership, published articles
I recently published the following article on Corporate leadership.
This article is reproduced with permission from Choice, the Magazine of Professional Coaching in this link: choice_V17N1_issue_Doug-Gray
Here is the text of the article for you to share…
Title: Telling Stories; Using systems thinking to help your business clients attain meaningful outcomes
Throughout recorded history, for over 4,500 years, we have used stories to teach and entertain.
Coaches use stories. Coaches teach to add value to clients. By definition, coaching is a collaborative process for clients to attain meaningful outcomes.
Are you using stories to add value for your clients?
Here are two case studies that you can apply to your corporate coaching business immediately.
Case Study 1. Recently I explained Systems Thinking to a client who owns a small leadership development business using professional actors. This CEO was struggling to articulate the unique value of his company. And he needed to prepare for a big meeting with a prospective buyer that could lead to a potential 500 percent increase above his previous annual revenue.
He was excited and scared. I mentioned leverage, Archimedes, and the idea that “with a big enough lever one could move the world.” When he wanted examples, I told him a story about applied systems thinking that Macdonald, Burk and Stewart (2006) implemented at entrenched mining companies in Australia. Those leaders were unable to see past the obstacles in front of them, such as safety incidents, high turnover and absenteeism, and erratic productivity costs. Then they created transformational changes.
When my CEO client wanted to find simple words to describe the cascading effects of organizational change, he drew a model with concentric circles like a bulls-eye. (I encourage you to take a pen or pencil and write this down. It is a simple model that works well.)
The smallest ring was unlabeled, to represent the chaotic core of deep change. The second outer ring was “individual” to represent the changes that leaders need to make. The third outer ring was “team” to represent the group of two or more people that add leverage. If that group has one scoreboard, then by definition they are a team. The fourth outer ring was “organizational” to represent the scope of leaders influencing others toward a better vision of the future. The core skill of such leaders is public optimism.
So, I encouraged this client to find the words to describe a better future for his organization. He developed a story using a pebble dropped into a pool of calm water. This CEO client needed to know that others have applied leverage. He needed a simple structure that he could adopt. You can adopt this model immediately.
One result from his client meeting is that he literally “found the words” and developed his own story about leverage. He developed new marketing content. He improved his reputation. He asked for the business. Yes, he won the big engagement with that new prospect. And yes, he did grow his business 500 percent above the previous annual revenue.
Outcome-based coaching is critical for any leader. Perhaps you can do something similar in your coaching business?
Case Study 2.
The second story encourages leaders to apply leverage to a bigger vision of a better future.
Like many International Coach Federation (ICF) members, I volunteer as a board member at our local chapter to plan annual activities. One of our colleagues leads the corporate Learning and Development group at Bridgestone Americas (a leading automotive company). She needed to develop programs using Systems Thinking.
Specifically, she needed to prepare to replace an aging workforce, and had developed programs with the largest university in the state, using values from their company and partnering with the US Naval Academy and US Army at West Point.
They needed to teach essential leadership skills using their company values at a public university. Concurrently, Bridgestone needed to relocate 30-50 percent of their senior leaders from two other states to their new corporate headquarters in Nashville, TN, without losing significant intellectual capital or market capital.
She was both excited and overwhelmed about the changes ahead for Bridgestone. She needed to discuss ways to apply Senge’s (2006) model of a learning organization to those changes. I volunteered some stories to help her design solutions. My hope is that she has the corporate leadership executive sponsorship and required resources to implement systems thinking at that organization. We all need to transform organizations.
Notice the pattern? Leaders, by definition, influence others toward a better future. They find the words. They seek partners. They use leverage to gain results. Whether you are coaching a small business owner or a director in a large organization, you can help your clients attain meaningful outcomes.
The cornerstone of systems thinking is personal mastery, defined as “continually becoming” (Senge, 2006). In all major religions and most philosophies, there is a recognition that humans are aspirational. We stare at the clouds, stars and weather patterns and try to understand objective “reality.” We stare at social media and fear-based stimuli and try to determine useful “facts.” We work with clients who are stuck. We help our clients overcome perceived obstacles. Thankfully, humans are continually developing. Amid those chaotic stimuli, we tell stories to teach, entertain, and achieve meaningful outcomes.
As coaches, our primary role is to help others attain meaningful outcomes. Case studies are one way to help our clients make smarter decisions today.
A coaching query is: How are you using case studies or stories to help your clients attain meaningful outcomes?
ICF (2016). 2016 Global Coaching Study; Executive Summary. International Coaching Federation.
MacDonald, I., Burke, C., & Stewart, K. (2006). Systems Leadership: creating positive organizations. Hampshire, England: Gower.
Senge, P. M. (2006). The Fifth Discipline: The art and practice of the learning organiza- tion. Random House/Currency.
Author Bio: Doug Gray, PhD, has been an International Coaching Federation certified coach at the PCC level since 2006. He is CEO of Action Learning Associates, LLC. His dissertation explored global executive coaching and leader outcomes. He models systems thinking by serving hundreds of clients. Contact him today.
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