WTF Coaching
WTF stands for “what the f____” It’s a swear word. You should know that.
I swear by this: WTF stands for “What’s The Focus?”
When you FOCUS on providing great value to people, then you will do so.
When you focus on cheating people, then you will do so.
WTF Coaching is a process of intentionally focusing on positive outcomes in your professional and personal life.
We ALL need WTF coaching at times.
No one is successful when they are alone. Teams are successful. The myth of the solo-preneur is dead. Every successful client and alliance partner that I know of has a tremendous support team providing sales, marketing, delivery, assessments, etc.
Throughout history, our WTF Coaches have helped us become successful. They help us keep our focus.
I currently work with 2 peer WTF Coaches, because I need more help than many 🙂
So, who is your WTF Coach?
Define only 3 Top Goals, then 1 Top Goal
Jim Collins is credited with saying, “If you have more than 3 “top goals”, then you will not make any a priority.”
Review your goals list. Narrow it to your Top 3. No more. Stay focused on those.
We know from research tinto successful people that they ALL have an obsessive focus on one goal. Not three goals… Consider Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King Jr, anyone in any history book. They had one goal. Only one. Only 1.
So, what is your 1 top goal?
Welcome to this blog, plus some tips
It may be obvious, however, I want to encourage you to:
1. Scroll over the boxes/categories on the sidebar for key words that interest you.
2. Enter any word in the search button. Then follow that post to more posts.
3. Write a comment. Your thoughts are more important than mine.
4. Forward any posts to your friends/colleagues.
5. Join the RSS feed so that you receive regular blog updates as they are posted.
The purpose of this blog is to share what works.
So, what works for you?
Daddy, What are the 2 keys to success?
Recently our high school-aged daughter asked, “Daddy, you talk to people all day long about their success. If you can make it simple, what are the two keys to success?”
If she was quizzing me, then I failed. Perhaps because I did not expect the question, perhaps because I wanted to say something special to her.
I said something trite: Focus on your strengths. Persist. Follow your passions. Build a great team. But sadly, like most of us, perhaps, I just could not find the words. Frankly, I struck out.
Then yesterday someone made it simple. Now I can answer her…
What are the 2 keys to success?
1. Attention, and 2. Support.
Just as we attend to an infant and support their growth, we create gardens of success. Every successful person talks about those who gave them attention. Their mentors. Their elders. Their coaches. Those who listened well, believed in them, supported them. After repeated actions toward a desirable goal, those people thrived and eventually felt successful.
This morning I shared this idea with someone. She doodled a circle, then drew an exclamation point, bold, in the center of the circle, to represent “attention,” then she gave it legs to represent “support,” then gave it an arrow to represent a future success. That image works!
The same pattern occurs in a coaching engagement. When I first meet someone they may be uncertain of the process, unclear about why they are receiving the attention. A common fear is that coaching is a process of “fixing behavioral gaps or deficiencies.” As if we could dunk people into a “flea and tick bath” and they emerge cleaned, ready for the next challenge. Instead, people decide if they like the attention, if they can use the support, and if they want to develop their strengths. That choice is the key to success.
So, key coaching questions may include, “Who do you need to give more attention to?” Or, “How can you support someone’s strengths?”
Time to go… I now have an answer for my daughter.
What are you going to do?
A Daily Prayer…
Imagine if we started each day or each meeting with something like the following…
Father God, and the Great Spirits, I pray that just for today I choose to uplift others by reinforcing their strengths and maximizing my strengths. And just for today I pray that we choose faith over fear in every decision. Amen
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