by Doug Gray | Aug 1, 2015 | change, Coaching, healthcare, Leadership, Managers, talent
Physicians with resilience have:
- Increased career satisfaction
- Higher personal life satisfaction
- Enhanced performance and efficacy
- Engagement with lifelong learning
- Skills that may be modeled and directly transferable to patients (e.g., CBT)
Thankfully, resilience can be taught and developed.
Resiliency can be defined as “the capacity to adapt successfully in the presence of risk and adversity.”
Take this quick self diagnosis for burnout and resiliency:
Take a moment to write down where you think you are on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) on these two measures. Note that burnout and resiliency are directly related and inversely related. Like any coin with two sides…
A self-diagnostic question is “How do you know if you are avoiding burnout behaviors?”
An organizational-diagnostic question is to ask your team if they have noticed you being less compassionate, hopeful and caring lately?
Or if you are daring, ask your team if they have noticed you being more abrupt, judgmental, or impatient lately?
(We are often hired to assess the degree of burnout or resiliency in a practice group.)
My experience is that these bullets are 5 reasons for you to do some work. “Physician heal thyself” is axiomatic. As a species, we need to make more anabolic choices than catabolic choices.
CBT is cognitive behavioral therapy, a psychological process that recognizes choice, personal strengths, and includes reqular behavioral feedback.
I hire a dentist when I need dental work; why wouldn’t you hire a psychologist when you need to develop resilience for your self or your team?
by Doug Gray | Jun 19, 2015 | Business, healthcare, physicians
The goal of this slide series is to focus on you.
Or to help any physician who may be struggling with burnout. Please forward this blog.
Download this link for the slide deck:
Thank you for taking a few minutes to learn about physician burnout, diagnosis, treatment and care.
We can help you. Our experience is that you are not alone.
For many generations a stigma existed stating that physicians who 1) endure medical school and residency, 2) can endure anything.
Some critics state that such a “social contract” no longer exists in healthcare.
In confidence, physicians often state, “I am not a super hero. Although my family and patients tug at me as if I have some supernatural power. It is exhausting trying to keep up with the demands of insurers and employers.”
Amid our current culture of healthcare reform and continued changes in care, all physicians are forced to adapt. The highest rate of burnout, over 50%, is for mid-career physicians, 11-20 years after residency.
Who is taking care of the physicians?
Like the photo in the opening slide, physicians often state that they wish for a helping hand “On their shoulder.”

All physicians need a helping hand
A coaching question for you is “What do you need?”
A diagnois? A treatment plan? A care program? Something else? We can help you.
Contact us at 704.995.6647 or schedule your initial consultation here.
by Doug Gray | Jun 14, 2015 | change, Coaching, healthcare, Leadership, Managers, physicians
The core of physician-patient relationships is trust.
But what do you know about your physician’s values regarding end of life decisions, or women’s reproductive choice? What do you know about the treatment and care suggested by your physician, who may be eligible for a $5,000 referral fee or $2,500 volume price incentive?
Leana Wen, MD, is a Rhodes Scholar and author of “When Doctors Don’t Listen.” Her TED talk, called “What your doctor won’t disclose,” has been viewed by over 1.3 million people.
Her story includes role models from her childhood in China, to a campaign called “Who’s my doctor?” designed to encourage doctors to share their values and be more transparent with their patients.
She states, “we need to change the paradigm of medicine from sickness and fear to openness and healing.“
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