Action Learning Associates

Are you a GOMO?

GOMO stands for Going Through the Motions.

Some 70% of workers are dissatisfied with their jobs.

Some 50% of marriages end in divorce.

Some 20% of people make a living doing what they love… Huh?  Yes, it is possible.  Here are two stories.

1.  One of my clients, Matt, co-founded an IT company that provided a unique service.  Over 10 years they were acquired by 3 companies.  Matt was the principal architect of the software.  But he was getting restless.  His young family was not happy in the D.C. metro.  He was tired of being a GOMO.  We had worked together 6 years previously.  So he re-hired me to explore “what’s next?”  He realized that several of the executives on their team were working remotely.  In short, he could live anywhere.  So within 4 months he relocated to Colorado.  And he re-designed how he managed his product development team.  That process occurred in months, not years…

2.  Another client, Allen, had been an HR manager for many years, but he aspired to be a global talent director of a nearby F500 company.  We met at a Vistage International meeting.  Shortly thereafter he realized that he could not imagine staying at his current employer.  He felt trapped.  There was no evident career ladder.  He struggled each day, and hated the fact that he called himself a GOMO.  So we explored options.  He did not want to move.  His divorced wife, and their children, were nearby.  So he designed a virtual talent recruitment program, using former HR colleagues who wanted to work from home.  He built the system and sold services to F500 clients.  In short, he developed and moved into his dream job.

So how about you?  Are you feeling stuck as a GOMO?

If ready to explore what’s next, then call me at 704.895.6479 now.

There is no wisdom in waiting.