Audio: Passionate Actions define human evolution


Yes, I am serious. Listen to this audio.

Consider how many people you know who have ignored their health, or made poor choices about their partner, or refused to relocate, or let a character trait such as stubbornness prevent them from some desire.

Now consider how many people you know who have chosen to define their values, develop daily habits to reinforce those passions, or chosen to serve thousands of others.

Passionate Actions define us.  Just as you choose to take care of your aging parents, or call that friend, or exceed your client’s expectations, or regularly exercise, your passions define your individual actions.

Passionate Actions also define us as a species.

Consider what happens when we build a business, commit to a relationship, care for others, develop long term friendships, congratulate a colleague, show kindness, speak positively about others…. Ultimately, we are choosing constructive acts for our species.

There is plenty of fear in the world.  And we can choose to polarize and divide (e.g. select any blog RE: political, ethnic, cultural, social, economic debates…)  We can choose fear.  Or we can choose passions.

You can make anabolic, constructive choices to live serving others.

What are you choosing to do?

A letter to a coaching prospect…

Hello  _________,

I have been thinking about our conversation all day and have some initial thoughts,

1.       Change starts with the overwhelming BELIEF that you DESERVE a better life/ desired change.

2.       That idea may sound cyclical, or odd, but it is overwhelming to me at times.  And I see it in the most difficult coaching clients too.  It requires you to adopt some beliefs.  And frankly, that is the hardest step.

3.       IMHO, many people were raised to believe many limiting beliefs about money, wealth, deserving a rewarding career, health, you name it. My family of origin caused me to change many beliefs.  I have struggled.  My coaching clients struggle.  You may not struggle, I understand.

4.       As a gift, I have just ordered you a book that has helped me a lot.  And I enjoy giving it to many clients.  It is called “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”, by Harv Eker.  He claims that he can predict anyone’s financial or career future after 2-3 minutes of conversation.  His experience is that we all have financial blueprints about wealth and opportunity and success.

5.        In graduate school I learned how these can be re-programmed.  Thankfully.  The brain is elastic.  It cannot separate “I am stating that I deserve a new career” from “I deserve a new career.”

6.       So, a coaching question to explore may be, “What would it take for me to BELIEVE that I DESERVE a better life?”

7.       Coaches help people change.  There are three well-proven steps that help all of us move from 1) awareness to 2) constructive action, to 3) individual and team accountability.   Our beliefs are a choice.  I have changed.  You can change too.

Here are some options for your consideration.  I am willing to:

1.       Talk daily for 30 minutes as you define your passions and next career

2.       Meet weekly directly, or over Skype, or on the phone, to do the same

3.       Provide best of class articles on career search, etc,

4.       Provide assessments to help you assess your strengths and consider next steps

5.       Steer you toward digital resources, essential networks

6.       Share the above with your wife

7.       Be a coach at times

8.       Be a friend at times

9.       Be uninvolved at times

10.   Something else/ any combination of the above.

So, what would you like to do next?