by Doug Gray | Oct 26, 2013 | digital, Leadership, Meetings, money, Sales, talent
Did you know that over 90% of apps are downloaded once, then not used again? That fact bothers me.
We have technology that enables us to BUILD relationships. Look at the use of Linked In and internal social sites for business development. Look at our ability to schedule tasks, and calendar priorities, and key performance indicators… However, lazy people complain about the accountability of Salesforce or any Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Or they may complain that investing in technology is like investing in a money black hole, where the value is indistinct and endless. That fear bothers me.
We use technology to build relationships.

Image of apps on any device with a browser
Last week I met with2 attorneys tasked with generating $1.5MM annually for their firm. They stated, “The #1 priority for us is business development. We talk about cross-selling. But we rarely do it.” Like any firm with specialized skills, they track billable time (BT) and working time (WT).
I asked, “How valuable would it be for you to develop new business with your existing clients in other practice groups throughout the firm?”
They said, “Invaluable. If you can help us develop new business you will solve a massive problem.”
During lunch, I shared an app that I had created for them. They downloaded it immediately. Their comments were like popcorn: “This is a no brainer. We can start with our practice group. Imagine monthly business development workshops at the larger offices. Teams of 3-4 pay $100 to play for the day in a business development contest. Each team member must be in a different practice group. Corporate finance will be forced to talk with real estate, or environmental, or product liability. Those teams will upload content throughout the day. And answer questions based on a client case study. And populate or CRM system on Sharepoint. And then at 4:00 we will score the teams on a question like “Which of these teams is most likely to generate new business for our firm?” Recurring monthly business development workshops. Facilitators in the conference room for scheduled BD sessions. Technology designed to build relationships.”
What is the value to you and your company? $500,000 in new services? $1MM? More?
We provide business development consulting expertise, and customized technology that forces your team to use technology to build relationships.
Why wait? Call us today at 704.895.6479.
by Doug Gray | Jul 29, 2013 | action learning process, Business, change, Coaching, Leadership, Managers, Meetings, money, organizational leadership, Personal Development, Sales, talent
Action Learning is a behavioral change process model that works 1) for groups and 2) for individuals.
For groups, Action Learning occurs when stakeholders use real problems to acquire learning and implement system-wide solutions.
For individuals, Action Learning is a behavioral coaching methodology that applies the same 4 steps.
The Action Learning change process model includes four steps:
1) decide what breakthrough requires you to invest resources,
2) act with a talented, cross-functional team and executive endorsement,
3) reflect on steps achieved, and
4) connect or expand the results across business or functional lines, to new markets or clients.
We have facilitated organizational Action Learning change using both virtual and direct processes:
1. Technology processes: SharePoint, Action Item task lists, virtual teams, e-coaching and e-consulting, digital consulting and short implementation teams.
2: Direct meeting processes: assessments, facilitation in a series of workshops, coaching and consulting, project initiatives, leadership off-site retreats, strategic reorganization
For a summary of consulting fees and investment levels for organizations click here, and for individuals click here.
Our Services typically include:
Assessments (e.g. individual, group, organizational, strategic)
Qualitative or Quantitative 360 assessments
Organizational Culture Assessments
Leadership competency assessments
Leadership consulting and behavioral coaching (e.g. individual, team or group levels)
Strategic planning and organizational redesign
Shadow Coaching
Facilitation, training, retreats or workshops
The result is that the Action Learning process helps individuals and groups become true learning organizations.
What are you waiting for?
Download this list of services and investment levels now:
Please contact us or call immediately at 704.995.6647 or schedule your initial consultation here.
by Doug Gray | Jan 4, 2013 | Business, change, Coaching, Employment, energy industry, Leadership, Managers, Meetings, money, Personal Development, safety, Sales, Success
People buy products and services ONLY when they see tremendous value.
When I need a discount I go to Amazon or Costco. Transactional level of services. I do not compete with such transactional “business coaches.” If someone wants information they can have it from my transactional websites, and
When I want to provide tremendous value to a business owner or team, then I ALWAYS provide 3 levels of value. People need to choose. And they pay more for each investment.
Then I strive to ALWAYS over-deliver on whatever value level they select.
If you’d like to see a sample proposal, just call or reply directly.
How about you, do you ONLY sell value?
by Doug Gray | Feb 10, 2012 | Business, change, Coaching, Employment, energy industry, Leadership, Managers, Meetings, Success
We asked both the Charlotte Chamber and the Charlotte Regional Partners to promote or contribute to the 2012 Energy Leadership Project. Not yet. Perhaps one day they will do so.
We believe that there cannot be enough conversations about what successful energy leaders are doing.
So we created the 2012 Energy Leadership Project. The purpose is to engage energy industry headers and share data immediately. At no cost.
Our partners to date include the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hub at Packard Place, on 222 South Church Street. Invitations have been forwarded by Queen City Forward, Sustain Charlotte, YPE Charlotte (Young Professionals in Energy), plus hundreds of individual leaders.
We invite you to forward this blog, and invitation, to any of the 26,000 energy industry leaders in the Charlotte region. We welcome your input.
There are 10 questions on the survey at Some questions are open-ended. After 8 weeks online, 66people have opened the survey. 24 people have completed it. There are some 26,000 energy industry leaders in the Charlotte region. That is an itty-bitty sample size…
We encourage you to forward this blog post and invite others to contribute to the focus group, interview, or short survey. Click on
Here are results from one question:
What are the top 3 behavioral competencies of the best leaders at tour company? (select your top 3.)
- Great communicator 26%
- Maximizes the productivity of others 4%
- Shares an optimistic vision 4%
- Results oriented 9%
- Humble enough to attribute success to the team 13%
- Publicly recognizes the strengths of others 9%
- Creates trust 13%
- Expects to increase profitability 22%
FYI, these choices were selected from an extensive review of related surveys. Sample responses came from Booz Allen, the Center for Creative Leadership, McKinsey, the Gallup Organization, our expertise, and best practices in the energy industry.
So, how do you interpret this data?
by Doug Gray | Feb 8, 2012 | Business, change, Coaching, Financial Professionals, Leadership, Managers, Meetings, money, strengths, Success
Yesterday I had this scenario. A second meeting with a prospective client named “Mike.” Perhaps you have had a similar scenario…
Our first meeting was in his office, after a referral from a current client. I met his staff. I learned their needs. I clearly explained the value of coaching. He agreed to a sample session. We quickly determined his strengths. He summarized those strengths. He defined possible focus areas for coaching. He requested 4 days to discuss the coaching investment before our second meeting. I asked him, “What will be different in 4 days that will enable you to say yes at that time?” He had a slippery answer. Regardless, we agreed to meet by phone for the second meeting, at which time he would say yes/no or define a clear future/ next step.
Then, yesterday, we met by phone. He wanted me to “sell him on my services.” I demurred. I do not yet know the value of coaching to his small business. If he does some work, the value will be vast. He may increase his assets over $100K in fewer than 12 months. If he does not do the work, the value of coaching will be zero. He did not like that fact.
After a few attempts back to his agenda, I stated that I was not likely his coaching partner.
There is an energy between people. His behavioral energy was verbally competitive. He needed to win the arguments. So of course I let him “win.”
Rigidity kills relationships.
In fact, rigidity is the #1 career killer. There are many competencies that can hinder a career. Low empathy. Poor communication. Unclear expectations. Unwillingness to listen. Rigidity is the #1 career killer.
Think of someone you avoid. Are they rigid?
Now think of someone successful (however you define “success.”) Are they flexible?
One reason I love my work is because I get to select who I work with. I would much rather work with someone who is flexible, open to defining their future, than someone who is rigid.
A related example is the often quoted passage from Steve Jobs at Apple, that, “I am most proud of what we said “no” to at Apple.”
Throughout recorded history, which is only 650,000 years, the most successful people have focused on their goals. They/we have said “no” to distractions.
A coaching question for you may be, “Who do you need to say “no” to today?
by Doug Gray | Dec 11, 2011 | book review, Business, change, Coaching, digital, Employment, energy industry, exercise, faith, family, Financial Professionals, Front, global, healthcare, Leadership, Managers, Meetings, money, Personal Development, physicians, published articles, Resources, safety, Sales, strengths, Success, talent, talent assessment, video
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