Action Learning Associates

Values and Behavior-Based Coaching 101

One of my clients asked how to summarize the events of a new board meeting. He was an observer, there were 6 active board members, and his company invested in the board so that he could represent their business interests. He asked, “How do I track each leader?”

We discussed the template below.

Often when I meet a new coaching client I use this template to help them identify those they work with, and the behaviors required for their success. Some people can assess others quickly. Others require a structure to list what to say/do. No one ever wants to “stick their foot in their mouth.”

You can adopt this template to coaching your team, when taking notes, or when practicing leadership. Try it.

I’ve used it for decades with hundreds of leaders.

Here is the gist:

The result is a dated snapshot of my summary, that validates the other people’s values, reminds me of what to say/do, and indicates possible next steps.

  1. List the team/ board members in rows so that you keep them organized.  Add any other key team members/ board observers.  Add contact info/ affiliations. List no more than 5-7 leaders so that you can stay focused on them.
  2. Column 1 is “Values”.  Ask yourself what each person values, list 4-6 values based on what they say/do. If you need a list of values go to, or take the PIAV (Personal Interests, Attitudes and Values) assessment with me.
  3. Column 2 is “What should I say/do”.  If someone values their ego/ own voice, then you can publicly validate them when you agree. If they want to be addressed formally, then be sure to do so consistently.
  4. Column 3 is “What should I NOT say/do.” If someone requires time to verbally process new ideas, then please do NOT interrupt them. If they are conflict avoidant, then do not confront them publicly for non-critical issues…
  5. Column 4 is “Next steps.”  I use this column to note people/ articles/ resources that the leader may appreciate.  These notes provide a simple structure for me to follow up, if useful.

I encourage you to adopt this template and PRACTICE leadership. Today. What are you waiting for?

Then contact me and share your success story or questions.

All your best, Doug

The Coaching/ Consulting Process in 4 Phases

The goal of coaching is behavioral change toward a desired personal or professional outcome.   For instance, Sarah may need to develop her business development skills to grow her new franchise by 50% within the next 6 months. John may need to develop an assertive meeting style with his new manager, in the next 30 days, or risk opportunities for promotion. How do these leaders attain their goals?


Some leaders like to imagine the coaching process in the following 4 phases. My experience, since 1997 with hundreds of coaching engagements, is that coaching engagements rarely fall into the neat categories of these 4 phases.   One reason is that learning is a messy process. The process is ongoing, iterative, client-focused, both an “artful craft” requiring practice, and a scientific management consulting process requiring expertise.   The action learning process implies that coaches and leaders jointly learn what works, and why it works, so that the leader can do more of that behavior.


That said, the process of organizational development can be described in these 4 phases. (Source: Gallant & Rios, 2014).





  1. The start-up phase requires candid assessment of what is working, what is not working, and what is needed. The selection of a coach or consultant is crucial. Leaders should not select someone they like as a potential confidante or best friend. Leaders should select the most expert consultant who can help them master a new behavior. For instance, if a leader needs a woman who speaks Spanish to help prepare for relocation to Mexico City, then I am not qualified. The goal of this start-up phase is to define boundaries of the engagement, and to mutually agree on those boundaries in a written contract.


  1. The diagnosis phase includes learning what the leader thinks about their reputation, brand, strengths, and weaknesses. That self-assessment often conflicts with data gathered from others. Techniques include surveys, interviews, assessments, observations, and video. The word “diagnosis” is not accurate, because it implies a gap or deficiency that is static and needs correction. I prefer the words “development” or “focus” or “assessment” because they accurately describe the ongoing quality of coaching engagements that reinforce the strengths of leaders.


  1. The intervention phase is the core of any coaching engagement. The process includes ongoing assessment of the client’s agenda, review of behaviors, feedback, and constructive actions. There is both art and science involved in coaching. The art requires constant attention to the leader’s words and actions, following intuition, and what I call “dancing with curiosity.” The science requires ongoing consideration of recent research in evidence-based behavior or world-class tactics that may be useful to the leader.


  1.  The transition phase occurs at the end of every coaching session, in monthly written summaries, after any feedback session or observation, quarterly frequency reviews, and opening and closing meetings with the leader, HR business partner, direct manager, and the coach. Those 4-way meetings insure that behavioral outcomes have been exceeded. As a 4th step in this model, the transition phase reminds all stakeholders that coaching has a beginning and an end. There are some “executive coaches” who boastfully declare that they have provided value to a leader for years. I sincerely hope that they regularly review the behavioral outcomes and business needs so that each phase of that engagement is closed. If not, they may be describing a dependent relationship that has little to do with a leader’s need for behavioral change.


This neat model with 4 phases may be useful for those who like structure. Accountants and engineers and some HR managers may find them useful.


One final thought: if the client needs a more fluid model, then these 4 steps can be twisted into a circle or a spiral.


Call us if you need to assess step 1 above, the start-up phase.


If we cannot help you, then we will refer you to someone who can do so.




Gallant, S. & Rios, D. (2014). The organization development (OD) consulting process. In B.R. Jones & M, Brazzel (Eds.), The NTL handbook of organization development and change (2nd ed.) (pp. 153-174). San Francisco, CA: Wiley.