Action Learning Associates

Predictive Assessments for your Senior leaders…

Hello Ric,

So nice to see you yesterday.  (I’m excited about the volunteer work we are doing for …)

Yesterday we talked about the possibility of providing assessments for senior leaders at Company ABC.

We have never discussed your need for multi-method, multi rater assessments that have tremendous predictive validity.  This methodology is  much better than any assessments I have found, in 30+ years of assessment work.  If interested, I  encourage you to forward the attached information to your colleagues for review.

How much would you be willing to invest in information that predicted your senior leadership talent and bench strength and succession needs?  I would like to meet with you or your colleagues who might need such predictive assessments.

I have partnered with Adam Ortiz, at Executive Development Consulting, to do this work for other clients.  We would love to provide these assessments for Company ABC, at any location.

Your benefits include:

  • Scalable, duplicatable model with external objective assessors
  • We have the capacity to deploy immediately, with teams of assessors already working throughout the world
  • Doug and Adam bring expertise with a career of assessments, plus leadership coaching expertise throughout the world.
  • This multi-method, multi rater assessment process can be replicated throughout any division at your firm, and the reliability and validity is extraordinary.
  • Cost effective assessments that provides objective data, with tremendous predictive validity, that have extraordinary value to you and your colleagues as you make strategic decisions about senior leaders.

If you have any interest in discussing any coaching or assessment work, please let me know.

I am confident that we can provide tremendous value to your firm.

Respectfully, Doug Gray, PCC

704.895.6479 office,  704.995.6647 cell