Action Learning Associates

The Action + Learning + Service = Success Formula

I have recently developed this 3-part formula for success.  Let me know what you think.

Draw an equilateral triangle.  Label each corner “Action”, “Learning”, and “Service.”  Place a dot in the center.

1.  Actions define successful businesses.  Founders and anyone cited in a history book have one trait in common:  an obsessive focus on action.  Score yourself 1 (low) to 10 (high) on the question “How action oriented am I?”  If you are unsure, focus on actual results, rather than intentions.

2.  Learning leads to failure, and failures lead to success.  I track “Learnings” in digital folders and update them regularly.  I regularly attend conferences and take on projects so that I can fail, faster.  Yesterday I had lunch with a consultant who repeated the same points I heard him make 12 months ago.  He is not learning much.  I cut the lunch short and moved on.  Score yourself 1 (low) to 10 (high) on the question, “How much am I learning?”  Learning is a messy process.  If you are not tracking your learning, you are probably repeating ineffective old patterns.

3.  Service is a measure of your relationship with others.  Humans are social animals.  We yearn for relationships.  We exist to serve others- clients, loved ones, communities, goals…  The most impact-ful businesses track user engagement.  The best nonprofits, like Rotary, reward service above self.  Score yourself 1 (low) to 10 (high) on the question, “How well am I serving others?”  If you are unsure, ask your clients or loved ones.  Or solicit more clients.

Now place your scores on the triangle you created.  Use the dot to represent 1 (low) and let the corners represent 10 (high.)

What do you notice when you study your self-assessment triangle?

Where do you need to invest energy and resources?

Who can help you develop ?

You may know that action learning is a methodology, using cross functional teams of 4-8 people to solve a key problem. They are tasked with breakthrough, and with a short deadline such as 6 months. They require executive sponsorship and some resources. But the action learning process is a small investment with proven ROI.

In Europe and Australia, the Action Learning methodology is thriving. In the U.S. there is less adoption. One reason for that lagging adoption may be the fact that the business environment does not encourage accountability between cross functional teams. Yet.

We provide individual and team accountability.

How are you planning to share this Action + Learning + Service = Success Formula with others?

Please call me with your stories!

Here is a sample image to get you started:   ALServiceFormula

How to Live with Gratitude

There are only 2 times each day when you are alone with your thoughts.  No distractions.  No chaos…

1.  when you wake up and think…

2.  when you go to sleep and think…

So, it should be no surprise that, throughout recorded history, wise people have urged people to ask these two questions daily:

1.  Who can I help today?  Let that answer lead you into a life of service.

2.  What am I thankful for today?  Let that answer lead you to a life filled with gratitude.


Although I am not the wisest person in the world, I have practiced these two questions every day for decades.  The answers have helped guide me. Perhaps they will guide you also.

How do these answers help you live with gratitude?