by Doug Gray | Apr 22, 2013 | change, Coaching, Employment, money, Personal Development, Sales
Perhaps you have seen this chart from Q4, 2012? This data amazed me.
The red line indicates corporate earnings, which are at an all time high.
The blue line indicates individual wage earnings, which are at an all time low.
The gap between these lines is one indication of low engagement by most workers.
IMHO we need more professional development of key talent. Companies have the cash assets. Individuals have the need.
What does this gap suggest about the need for professional development at your company?
What does this gap suggest about the proliferation of outsourced specialized roles, such as external coaching and consulting? (Some 40% of the American workforce…)
I need your help. I am part of that 40%.
Since 1997, I have guaranteed results with coaching and consulting clients.
Please give me a call and let me know how you are doing. 704.895.6479. Thanks.
by Doug Gray | Apr 19, 2013 | Business, Coaching, Leadership, Managers, money, Personal Development, Resources, Sales, Success
Since 1997, I have provided an unconditional guarantee on coaching services from Action Learning Associates.
There is no “fine print.”
If you are not happy, then I do not want your money.
With many clients, I offer a coaching for results guarantee. If we agree to work together, and you do the work, then you can pay me at any time. I guarantee high value. To date, after hundreds of clients, 100% of them have paid for their coaching services. Some agreed to pay a lesser amount than we had expected. Some agreed to pay more. Virtually 100% found the coaching to be valuable.
Here is why I provide that guarantee. When I was in high school I had two paper routes. And I worked at a warehouse after school. And I cleaned windows and did lawns in the neighborhood. One neighbor wanted the windows cleaned. I said, “Yes of course.” It took about two days. Imagine sweaty grimy paper towels and windex. Three stories of filthy windows. Midsummer heat. I was tired… but I did my best to do the job. When the neighbor asked how much to pay me, I countered with, “Let me ask you two questions and then we will likely agree on a number.”
The first question was, “Were you delighted with the service I provided and would you hire me or refer me if the need arose again?” She said yes.
The second question was, “What was the value of this service for you?” She said a number that was higher than what I expected. I said thank you.
That was in 1981 or so… and I have used that process ever since.
Recently I learned that Marshall Goldsmith, a premier executive coach, uses a similar model when coaching for results. Here is that model:

Our coaching tracks the proven eight-step process:
- Select the appropriate coach
- Measure baseline performance
- Identify areas for skills development
- Formulate a custom training regimen
- Secure stakeholder buy-in
- Implement the training regimen
- Follow up with stakeholders
- Measure results
I like this model and this list. There are no “fine details.” All about coaching for results.
So, are you ready to work together? Give me a call now.
by Doug Gray | Apr 18, 2013 | Business, change, Coaching, Employment, Managers, money, Personal Development, Success
Jim Rohn, the great business consultant and philosopher, tells a story about his childhood. You may like this story…
As a boy Jim learned that he had two choices:
1. He could work for others and earn a wage. As an employee. For as long as he was able.
2. Or, he could develop himself and his team, and earn a profit. As a small business owner. And earn profits. For as long as he was able.
He could have learned about these choices at any age. He could have been your age when he learned about them. Jim quickly realized that earning a profit would lead to wealth. He embraced choice #2. Here are some reasons why you should do the same:
Personal development leads to wealth.
Self education leads to wealth.
Professional development leads to wealth.
The small business owner with the strongest team is the wealthiest…
Professional coaching and consulting with me is guaranteed to help you make profits.
And profits are better than wages.
So call me now. At 704.895.6479.
by Doug Gray | Apr 17, 2013 | change, Coaching, Employment, money, Personal Development, strengths, Success
You probably know the phrase “circadian rhythm.” The patterns that occur in time and space as a result of the sun’s orbital pull upon the earth. Circadian rhythms lead to the seasons, day/night, and lunar rhythms. Lunar rhythms affect human behavior, with well documented patterns from suicides and violence to marriage proposals. All based on the planets.
Ultradian rhythm is no less significant. Read Tony Schwartz.
Ultradian Rhythms are the 90-minute periods of intense, focused activity that sustain us. These are the bursts of intellectual and emotional energy we bring to tasks. As the American work force becomes more outsourced, and self-driven, talented people like you need to focus on the following:
1. What are the conditions that make me most productive? (time of day, setting, food, drink, noise, smell, interruptions…)
2. What are the most important tasks that will lead to money? (client requests, proven value, most demanding tasks…)
3. What can I do to create the most value? (for buying agents, for prospects, for clients…)
You can be 100% focused for up to 90 minutes. And then you can take a break. All muscles expand and contract. All mammals exhale and inhale. You can take a cosmic inhale. You can work without interruption in your preferred conditions. You can re-design your working conditions. You can manage your self-energy.
So, what is holding you back? Those old patterns are rubbish. Call me.
You can adopt ultradian rhythm into your work day. I have done so for years.
by Doug Gray | Apr 16, 2013 | change, Coaching, Employment, faith, Leadership, Managers, money, Personal Development, strengths, Success
I just got off a peer coaching call with a man I have never met.
Yet for 3 years we have held each other accountable to our dreams, goals, and visions. He is my peer coach.
We agreed that coaching can never be a commodity because:
1. Coaching is an interactive process. We exchange all that is human. We interrupt. We rant. We share evidence-based wisdom. We guarantee results.
2. Commodities have no emotions. And people do. You can buy consultative video coaching snippets. You can buy self coaching units. And you can buy junk food. Those commodities are worthless.
One goal of coaching is to enable people to garner their emotional strength into constructive action.
We KNOW that emotions drive thoughts. And thoughts drive actions. We even know what portions of the brain, and what neuro-chemical triggers are involved. So why would anyone even consider that coaching can be a commodity?
I am not threatened by the commoditization of coaching services.
However, I am disappointed by the distrust and fear that some people have that prevents them from asking for help.
Give me a call. Let’s talk about what you are feeling and thinking and doing.
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