In my 20+ years of coaching leaders, I have learned more from them than I can fully describe. Here is a nugget that I learned last week. You may like it…
FACT: Great managers and leaders demonstrate outcome-based results. They measure actions. They can demonstrate the ROI of any initiative.
Successful coaches also demonstrate ROI, as explained in this 2-minute video rant that I recently created – ROI of your coaching service.
It doesn’t matter whether your client is a Fortune 100 CEO or a Small Business Owner. Everyone who buys my products and services has only one question in mind:
If I pay for your service, what will I get in return?
We pay for outcome-based results. Let’s say you are hiring a fitness trainer to lose some weight. You would ask:
How much weight will I lose in 3 months?
Does this person understand my personal situation?
Has this person helped other people lose weight?
Does this person have a tremendous reputation?
Some people spend more time assessing a personal trainer than a physician or a lawyer or a professional coach. Be smart.
Professional coaches need to demonstrate the ROI of your service. Your clients need to know the outcomes they can expect from your service.
If you don’t know how to show ROI, then you will lose clients and money.
And, I don’t want you to lose clients. So, I prepared a short exclusive video for you.
David really wanted to be an executive coach, and he recently earned a coaching certification. David needed to find his first real client. So, he reached out to a few people in his network. And luckily, he found a guy who was interested in paying David to be his “professional coach.”
Goldmine, right? David finally had a chance to put his knowledge into practice.
So their client sessions began… but within a month the client started to feel distant. The client began to wonder if the investment in time and money was a waste of time.
One day the client ended the coaching sessions and told David that his services were no longer needed.
Questions: What happened? What went wrong with David? Answer: He forgot to focus on the customer’s need for outcomes.
What do all clients want?
They are looking for meaningful performance or behavioral outcomes.
And as a coach, manager or leader, you need to help your clients achieve these outcomes.
Based on my dissertation research of global executive coaches, here’s a list of the top 2 performance outcomes that their clients wanted, plus an example.
Can you help your clients achieve these outcomes?
I hope you said, “Yes”.
Because if you said “No” then you will fail as a coach/consultant.
Coaches and consultants fail for 2 major reasons:
They lose focus.
Or, they lack competence.
For the details and cool videos visit I recently developed that content to help more coaches succeed.
I want you to succeed as a professional coach. Or manager. Or leader.
How can you do that? Focus on the outcomes. Because that’s the only thing which matters to your clients.
When you help someone achieve an outcome, they see your coaching practice as an investment. They will be happy to recommend you to other clients because your service “worked”. And that’s what we all want for our business – new leads and happy clients.
Action leads to learning. What are you waiting for?
To contact Doug Gray, CEO, PCC, call 615.236.1892 or contact us here. Today.
Define a meaningful goal or outcome for the leader/ coachee. (A measurable performance or behavior)
Focus on the leader/ coachee’s agenda. (“I’m a little concerned about…”)
Intervention or possible action for the leader/ coachee. (“Have you considered…”)
Takeaways or next step for the leader/ coachee. (Model accountability and change.)
% of adherence to this model? (0-20%, 20-40%, 60-80%, 80-100%)
Understanding of Positive Psychology Coaching (PPC) protocols:
Introduction to Positive Psychology
Positive Psychology (PP) may be operationally defined as the science of well-being and optimal functioning. The phrase “positive psychology” was coined by Maslow (1954) and is rooted in humanistic psychology. Recent research in PP has defined five clusters of scientific findings, the PERMA model, that describe positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishments (Seligman, 2011). The construct of signature strengths can be assessed using the Values in Action (VIA-72) questionnaire (Seligman & Peterson, 2011). The construct of Psychological Capital (PsyCap) can be defined as a dynamic, higher-order construct comprised of hope, efficacy, resilience and optimism (Luthans, Youssef-Morgan & Avolio, 2015).
Introduction to Positive Psychology Coaching
This Positive Psychology Coaching (PPC) program was designed in response to a perceived need for development of business leaders actively engaged in professional coaching. The confidential relationship between coaches and coachees will be maintained throughout this research. Autonomy and mastery are critical aspects of professional coaching relationships, and will be maintained throughout this research.
The goals of this PPC program include: (a) assessing and developing individual character strengths using validated strengths-based assessments, (b) adhering to a structured evidence-based protocol for positive psychology coaching, (c) developing a strengths-based goal attainment process customized for each leader (coachee), (d) measuring Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) by evaluating adherence to three goals that are personally meaningful and relate to business outcomes for the leader (coachee), (e) modeling action planning and accountability in each coaching session by evaluating adherence to the coaching protocols, (f) quantitatively and qualitatively measuring the effect of positive psychology coaching on coachee outcomes.
Coaching engagement goals
The goals for each coaching engagement will be defined by each client (coachee) and customized with their professional coach. Each coachee will be encouraged to define three goals that are personally meaningful, relate to business outcomes, and can be measured using the goal attainment scale (GAS). Representative examples of coaching engagement goals may include (a) driving retention and organizational performance through tactical execution, (b) developing strategic thinking and planning, (c) developing leadership capability in key areas to leader success, (d) aligning and integrating current role with desired future role, (e) developing executive presence, (f) aligning operations with other business sectors to drive shared accountability and measurable impact on business outcomes.
Coaching engagement outcomes
The outcomes of each coaching engagement are typically described by knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs.) Examples of knowledge outcomes for the coaching engagement may include (a) aligning the leader’s role with organizational vision, mission, and values, (b) defining how the leader’s role expectations affect collaboration with others, (c) understanding the strengths and values that describe each leader “at their best” and incorporating those strengths into regular vocabulary, and (d) defining key actions essential to reinforce business outcomes.
Examples of the skills outcomes of the coaching engagement may include (a) building capacity to manage resources and the productivity of others, (b) developing strategies for managing energy and time to improve productivity, (c) communicating the leader’s vision and key messages in an impactful manner, (d) developing skills in written messaging that focus on strength-based leadership, (e) modeling self-awareness by incorporating signature strengths into leadership and management activities, (f) applying conflict resolution skills to reach mutually beneficial and positive outcomes, (g) demonstrating effective active listening skills, (h) accurately reading a situation and projecting confidence, decisiveness, assertiveness and poise under pressure, (i) modeling collaborative leadership skills by creating actions plans that include partnering with other leaders, supporting performance goals, building key alliances, and implementing business outcomes.
Examples of the abilities outcomes of the coaching engagement may include (a) fostering innovation, (b) directing initiatives that build alliances and mutual respect, (c) communicating across business sectors by translating key messages between different groups, (d) leading alignment with others using strategic thinking, (e) enhancing problem solving ability to approach common issues/concerns with extraordinary thinking to foster innovation.
Possible activities for PPC engagements
The following list of evidence-based activities is a descriptive resource and is not intended to be prescriptive for any professional coaching or consulting engagement.
Encourage your coachee to take a validated assessment such as the Values in Action (VIA-72) assessment or the Psychological Capital (PSQ-12) assessment
Conduct a strengths-based interview of your coachee using results from the Values in Action (VIA-72) assessment
Conduct a strengths-based interview of your coachee using results from the Psychological Capital (PSQ-12) assessment
Encourage your coachee to describe their best leadership story (“At my best story”) using results from a validated positive psychology assessment
Encourage your coachee to determine three performance or behavioral goals, that are personally meaningful, that relate to business outcomes
Measure achievement of those three business-related goals using the goal attainment scale (GAS)
Encourage your coachee to develop a gratitude journal
Encourage your coachee to document “Three Good Things” for a day or a week, and note any contributing variables or patterns
Invite your coachee to practice multiple acts of kindness toward others, especially within 24 hours
Conduct a Best Future Self activity or guided meditation activity
Encourage your coachee to document the quantity and quality of physical activity, emotional shifts and cognitive energy, for at least 24 hours
My bias/ The bottom line:
The art and science of professional coaching requires that professional coaches adhere to the AD-FITTM protocol model.
See details in the products section.
For details on assessment, interventions, certification, training, or research contact us today.
My friend Steve, in Charlotte, NC, is very intentional about his daily practice of mindful-ness. As an executive coach and yoga master, he has achieved a state of awareness that others cannot imagine. Yes, this is his car…
Steve would ask, “What daily practice do you adopt to increase mindfulness?”
Prayer? Meditation? Random acts of kindness? Daily expressions of gratitude? Generosity?
Throughout 4,500 years of recorded history, humans have sought insight from such daily practices.
Yoga teaches the value of breathing and moving. Just like any hard physical activity. Gardening. Running ultra marathons. Doing 10-day expedition adventure races.
Now we have social media triggers such as this clip from Alan Watts to take us on a virtual adventure…
Alternately, for those who need a provocative clip from Alan Watts, consider this:
More importantly, a coaching question is “What daily practice do you adopt to increase mindfulness?”
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