by Doug Gray | Jul 25, 2013 | Business, change, Coaching, digital, global, Leadership, Managers, Resources, Sales, strengths, Success, talent, talent assessment
I do not know the answer for you. Yet. And it would be presumptuous or disingenuous if I offered a trite response.
Instead I will give you some facts. Then the process. Then what I do know.
Many studies confirm that your cost of good sold (COGS) is 7x higher for a new customer than for a returning customer. So you should focus on providing new value to old customers.
There is a former client who comes to mind. He happened to be a 30 year old financial advisor. But the story is relevant for most of us in specialized fields. He wanted to grow his business. After 3 years he had exhausted leads from his friends and family. He had networked so often that people avoided him at chamber and business development groups and even at Rotary meetings. I asked him, “What kinds of clients do you want to serve?” and “Who is likely to retire in 10 years with a strong book of business that needs to sell the bottom portion to a younger professional like yourself?” and “How can you guarantee that you provide excellent service to that older partner or lead source?” As you can imagine, he had a new partner and provided tremendous value for that person’s clients for many years. However, his answer is not your answer.
I do know the answer for hundreds of other business leaders who are former clients. Since 1997 I have consulted and coached business leaders in manufacturing, health care, education, HR, safety, technology, finance and accounting. I have guaranteed results for clients ranging from executive teams at F500 companies to small business owners struggling to make ends meet. I can provide best-of-class solutions or referrals to other consultants who can likely help you solve your problems.
I do know the process. I do know what works.
Here you go: you need to 1) define the problems, 2) provide solutions, 3) model accountability. I call this the “3A Coaching process.“
These “A letter” words are Assessments, Constructive Actions, and Accountability. Too many “coaches” stop after providing assessments, or constructive actions, because they do not know how to provide individual or team accountability. That’s about as smart as running 2/3 of a marathon and stopping. Make sure that you hire a coach who will get you past your finish line goals.
You are probably struggling with the following challenges:
people challenges
strategy challenges
execution challenges
cash and financial challenges
Typically, I define the problems using organizational and individual assessments. I determine where you are making money. And where you are losing money.
I may ask the three big questions: 1. can you define the problem? 2. do you need to solve that problem? 3. who can solve that problem? In today’s market, the buyer-seller dance has evolved into a transparent process of answering those 3 questions. Then adopting the best solution. Vendors are secondary.
Then I provide a host of best-in-class solutions for you to sell more to your existing customers. They already know you. They are inclined to purchase more products and services.
Then I model accountability so that you move beyond good intentions. I want you to sell more services.
Ready to talk? Call us soon at 704.995.6647 or contact us here. Once we determine your needs, then we can define a more specific answer to this question. Schedule your initial consultation here.
We all need to sell more to our existing clients.
What are you waiting for?
Download this list of services and investment levels now:
by Doug Gray | Jul 24, 2013 | Business, change, Coaching, Employment, global, Leadership, Managers, Sales, strengths, Success, Uncategorized
I do not know the answer for you. Yet.
I do know the answer for hundreds of other business leaders. Since 1997 I have consulted and coached business leaders in manufacturing, health care, education, HR, safety, technology, finance and accounting. I have guaranteed results for clients ranging from executive teams at F500 companies to small business owners struggling to make ends meet.
I do know the process. I do know what works.
It costs much more money, time, and energy to attract new customers than it does to upsell to existing customers. That is a fact. Expenses vary from 2-7x the cost of upselling an existing customer. Acquisition costs can be reduced when we work together.
You will need to 1) define the problems, 2) provide solutions, 3) model accountability. I call this the 3A Coaching Process.
You are probably struggling with the following challenges:
- people challenges
- strategy challenges
- execution challenges
- cash and financial challenges
Typically, I define the problems using organizational and individual assessments. I determine where you are making money. And where you are losing money. I determine how you need to present solutions to your target markets.
Then I provide a host of best-in-class solutions for you to sell more to your potential new customers. They must learn about you. You must provide tremendous value. (This website is an example.) When your prospects receive tremendous value, then they will be inclined to purchase your products and services.
Then we model accountability so that you move beyond good intentions. We want you to sell more services.
We have hundreds of executive consultants and behavioral coaches, with expertise in sales, so we can help you immediately.
Call Doug Gray, PCC, at 704.995.6647 or contact us to help you sell more of your services to your existing customers. Schedule your initial consultation here.
What are you waiting for?
Download this list of services and investment levels now:
by Doug Gray | Jul 20, 2013 | Business, family, Leadership, Managers, money, Sales, Success, talent
Stuart is an expert sales consultant, recruiter, customer service trainer and technology provider for independent restaurants.
Based near Minneapolis, MN he promotes excellent customer service throughout the world.
Check out this MP3…
Stuart Gray 7.19.13
by Doug Gray | May 13, 2013 | book review, Business, change, Sales, strengths, talent
I’ll give the book 5 stars for the model, and 3 stars on the writing quality. This review will focus on the model behind “The Question.”
The subtitle explains its lofty vision: “Ask it and transform anyone’s future”
This book was referred to me by several clients. They had taken part in the Strategic Coach Program. They wanted to work with me because they needed more customized executive coaching.
Also, I have been solicited by Strategic Coach sale people to attend their program. (I must have attended a webinar.)
Dan Sullivan has coached over 13,000 business leaders and entrepreneurs, over 20 years.
So, what is the one question that 1) warrants a book, 2) warrants so much acclaim?
He starts the book with an anecdote from a business leader who feels: 1) confused, 2) isolated, and 3) powerless. Despite his financial success, he is working long hours. He needs a better system. Like many people, that business owner is seeking how to 1) transform confusion into clarity, 2) isolation into confidence, and 3) powerlessness into capability.
Sound too magical or impossible? Give this review another minute.
Imagine that you respond to that business leader with a question of your own. Your question has two parts. Part one is this:
“If we were having this discussion three years from today, and you were looking back over those three years, what has to have happened in your life, both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy with your progress?”
Sullivan found that 85-90% of these business owners pause, then provide a substantial answer. These are the “users.” These people become your prospects and clients. And you can ask them part two of the question.
5-10% of the business owners are confused. They cannot abstract or imagine the future in this way. These are not your prospects or clients. Thank them and move on.
And less than 5% of the business owners are “refusers.” They are not willing to embrace a relationship. They refuse to answer the question. Therefore they have just saved you tremendous time and energy. Thank them and move on, quickly.
Notice how you are pre-qualifying your prospects? Notice how the question is all about building rapport? Notice how the question is all about the other person– their aspirations and vision?
Humans are aspirational.
Some characteristics of this question include:
1. it is futuristic, and implies a continued relationship with you
2. it is specific to a time period– “in three years”– which most people can envision and describe
3. “looking back” requires synthesizing skills, abstraction, and specific descriptions
4. “for you to feel happy” is subjective, and happiness is the primary motivator for mankind. Through all recorded history.
Now that you have asked that business leader part one of the question, you are ready for part two. Sullivan calls part two the D.O.S., an acronym standing for Dangers, Opportunities and Strengths. You can use simialr words. The point is to use specific words that help others clarify their intentions into actions.
Part two of the question is:
“Specifically, what dangers do you have now that need to be eliminated, what opportunities need to be captured, and what strengths need to be captured?”
This structure invites the other person to articulate specific Dangers/ Opportunities/ Strengths. When I have used this question I ask for permission to record notes. Then I help the other person articulate their top three items. Then I provide those notes as a gift. Or a coaching focus. The results have been astounding.
Now imagine putting part one and part two together…
“If we were having this discussion three years from today, and you were looking back over those three years, what has to have happened in your life, both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy with your progress?”
“Specifically, what dangers do you have now that need to be eliminated, what opportunities need to be captured, and what strengths need to be captured?”
Can you imagine adopting this as a script?
Print this blog article. Forward it to your team. Then adopt this script.
It has helped me. It has helped thousands of entrepreneurs focus on adding value and transforming others.
Yes of course, I can help you implement this model into your business.
Then call me at 704.895.6479. Tell me what you think.
Or add a comment below…
by Doug Gray | May 11, 2013 | Business, change, Coaching, exercise, Managers, money, Personal Development, Sales
Fact: We all aspire to be a superhero
Fact: I have written a book with a purple cover called “Passionate Actiuon: 5 Steps to Creating Success in Life and Work” (2007)
Fact: There is no sex in the book. Sorry.
So what does it mean to be the Passionate Action guy?
1. Passions are expressions of strong emotion. They help us create. Passions lead to something else. Think of any relationship– there are passionate impulses at the start, yet relationships are hard to maintain over time. Think of any business- there is a passionate focus at the start- yet it is hard to maintain most businesses over time. Sparks start fires. But they do not maintain fires.
2. Actions require focused accountability. Nothing sexy involved. Daily habits lead to results. Make your sales. Focus on delivery.
This is HOW I help my clients make money and serve others. Call me at 704.895.6479 for details.
My experience is that we create success when 1) luck meets 2) prepared opportunity.
In that formula, the only thing I can control is preparation. And so I continue, day after day, year after year. Since 1997.
Success starts with the physical actions. Like running and yoga stretching. Like daily calls to prospects. Like KPIs.
So why wait? Call me at 704.895.6479 with your story.
Most of us need a little more passionate action in our lives.
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