Fee Ranges for Consulting Services

Let’s reduce some mystery in the consulting industry.


Annual revenue from management consulting in the U.S. was over $58B in 2016.


Question:  How much should you invest in your team or group?

Answer:  Enough to guarantee that your outcomes are exceeded.  Not a dollar more.


Use these Organizational Consulting Activities and Fee Ranges as a guideline.


1.  Consulting Day Onsite.   Fee Range $3,000-$10,000.  The primary reason to invest in external consulting is to accelerate desired change behaviors.  The services may include (1) assessments, (2) coaching or consulting, or (3) skills training.  Those services may be for individuals, groups (defined as 2+ people), or organizations.  Be wary of consultants who bill by the hour, because that practice is transactional and inherently unethical.  Be wary of consultants who offer an “in-town reduction,” or who charge additional fees for books, materials, or excessive travel.  Only select external consultants who provide tremendous value, clear contracts, expected outcomes, and then exceed any promises.   We typically provide three choices.   For details click here.


2.  Consulting Day Offsite  (research, data analysis, assessment development, etc.)  Fee Range $1,000-$5,000.  The primary reason to invest in such consulting days is to enable an expert to customize evidence-based content for your organization.   Be wary of consultants who charge an excessive fee for research on your project.  Those consultants may not be subject matter experts-  they may be billing you for their self-study.  That practice is both expensive and unethical.  However, it is fair and reasonable for any consultant to provide a summary of value provided for any offsite consulting work such as customization, research, or data analysis.  We always include those expenses in our value-based contracts for services.   Click here for details.


3.  Keynote or other brief speech.  Fee Range $2,000- $15,000.  The primary reason to invest in a motivational speaker is to introduce a new topic or to accelerate learning.   For instance, when we speak on “How to Apply Positive Psychology to your organization” the material is customized for your specific learning outcome.   Too many professional speakers (including some distinguished members of the National Speakers Association who endlessly self-promote) are struggling to survive.  (We have met many of them.  In fact, Doug’s brother, Stuart Gray, was featured on the cover of NSA Magazine.)   Only select speakers who can provide video evidence of their relevant expertise.  There is little evidence validating a long term impact from any motivational speaker.  The real value of speaking is to integrate customized learning into your business outcomes.  For recent details on our speaking expertise click here.


4.  Half-day workshop.  Fee Range $2,500- $7,500.  There may be a compelling business reason to provide content in a half-day workshop, rather than a full-day workshop.  For instance, when we provide workshops we integrate virtual or digital training into the process, with pre-event assessments, a digital playbook, and post-event impact boosters.  Those are evidence-based aspects of our process; therefore, we provide them at no additional cost for a workshop of any length.  Some consultants will have additional expenses if, for instance, we have 200 attendees instead of 20.  Those are real costs for assessments, customized program materials, group coaching, etc.  Be wary of any leadership program that is “off the shelf.”  There is little evidence to support their value.  And be wary of the assumption that a consultant can “condense a full-day into a half-day.”  That assumption is absurd.  Half-day workshops have different business outcomes from full-day workshops.  For details on each workshop design, contact us here.


5.  Full-day workshop.  Fee Range $5,000- $15,000.  Only select proven consultants who provide tremendous value.  Adult learners require meaningful experiential events.  Anything else is a waste of time, money and energy.  Leader development must be customized if you want impact.  Consider these facts:  Your operational investment into your full-day workshop is multi-fold.  The direct costs of the facility ($5,000) plus the direct costs of 20 people away from their desks ($20,000+) plus the real business lost from that day ($20,000+) mean that your investment in that full day workshop for 20 people actually exceeds $45,000.  We strongly recommend that you invest in expert consultants facilitating a complete process of pre-event assessment, customized delivery, and post-event impact boosters tied to business outcomes.  We have delivered hundreds of these programs.  For details contact us today.


6.  Executive Retreat, per day.  Fee Range $10,000-$50,000.  Executive leaders have unique demands on time and energy.  They require condensed leadership development experiences.  Those experiences must be remarkable.  We have facilitated executive retreats with private chefs in the mountains, and with professional actors in the city.  The reason to invest in an executive retreat program is to accelerate new learning in short, remarkable periods of time.  The goal is strategic transformation or breakthrough.  The action learning model is designed to foster breakthrough experiences.  Customization for your executive team is critical.  That process requires partnership with external trusted consultants.  That’s why you should call today.    For details, contact us.


7.  Systems Implementation  (e.g. talent assessment, organizational culture change, succession planning initiative).  Fee Range $10,000- $50,000.  Organizational leadership may be defined broadly as a series of phased interventions toward desired business outcomes.  That process requires ongoing active leadership from external consultants.  We provide the objective assessments that you require.  Be wary of any consultants who depend on online talent assessments for lower level employees, or those who sell boilerplate programs.  60-80% of change initiatives fail to be adopted.  Contact us for the detailed citations.  Do not waste any time or money.  Your success requires executive sponsorship, valid assessments (often at individual, team and organizational levels), proven process steps with measures for accountability, and specific expertise.  We are the experts.  We typically provide three choices or a phased set of solutions.   For details, contact us.


8.  Employee or Customer Surveys.  Fee Range $15,000- $100,000+.   Caution:  the ability to create an online survey does not make one expert in the use of surveys.  The primary reason to invest in any survey is to assess a population and make informed recommendations toward some desired business outcome.    Valid data requires external consultants with a reliable process.  Internal “consultants” or departments may be self-serving, because they are required to justify their importance.  Consequently, their survey findings may not be valid.  External service providers are absolutely essential for an objective assessment of your organizational performance.  The scope of your investment in these external surveys must vary with the scope of your business needs.   Assessments are (1) quantitative, (2) qualitative, or (3) mixed.  We strongly recommend that you hire an external consultant for surveys.  Contact us for details.


9.  Strategy Formulation.  Fee Range $50,000- $150,000.  One definition of strategy is a 3-year horizon line of behavior that reinforces the organizational culture.  The process of strategy formulation requires expert facilitators who can assess purpose, mission, values and culture.  External consultants with unrelated expertise may provide the best value to your organization.  For instance, we have worked with attorneys and accountants for 20+ years.  Recently we were hired to work with a mid-sized company of IT providers who required a new way of thinking about strategy.  They were delighted with their new strategy.  Be wary of the consultant who says, “I have no bias.”  We all have biases, and expertise, that will affect any investment in strategy formulation.  Our bias is based on evidence-based research in positive psychology that assumes a growth mindset that groups can flourish.  Our strategy formulation services are always provided in measurable phases with milestones,  so that all parties are delighted.  For details contact us.


10.  Organizational or Group Assessment.  Fee Range $20,000- $200,000.  External consultants are the ONLY people capable of providing objective data about your organization.   Internal consultants have an inherent bias that limits their effectiveness.   We partner with your internal leaders to provide the data you need to make informed decisions, reduce cost, or mitigate risk.  For 30+ years we have provided expert organizational and group assessments.  We know that the best talent assessment methodology includes a multi-rater (2+ consultants) multi-method (quantitative and qualitative) design, because the result has high predictive validity and reliability.  However, your group may only need a quantitative assessment.   Assessments are (1) quantitative, (2) qualitative, or (3) mixed.   Our theoretical model focuses on positive psychology, therefore we make recommendations based on your individual and organizational capacity to flourish.  Then we help you implement those recommendations.    Those details are here.


What are you waiting for?   Contact us today.


Download this list of services and investment levels now:


Now you have some numbers.    So what?


Contact us today.


Or call us at 615.905.1892 or schedule your initial consultation here.


How to Create Happiness: Step 4 of 5

Happiness is elastic.

Thankfully.  We can stretch and become more happy.

We experience happiness at different times, and some people are more happy than others. We know the reward mechanisms of the brain are reinforced when we do certain activities. And when we reinforce those behaviors, we can be happier.  Some activities, such as mindfulness, are now being taught in MBA programs… so that people become more happy.

Here is step 4 of 5:

4.  Keep Learning.

Our brains are delightfully complex organs, designed to evolve.  We regenerate brain cells throughout our lives.  That process, called “Ontogeny,” requires stimulation.

We perceive the world (using our 5 senses.)   That stimulation is interpreted by the brain, based upon previous schemas/experience/data, then stored for some response.

When someone gives us a kiss (stimulation) we respond (with pheromes and increased blood flow.)   Then we call it something happy, like love.

Just so, we follow our curiosity to stimulate our brains in hundreds of ways.

We can keep learning by:

  • asking questions
  • using our non-dominant hand when cooking or writing
  • speaking a new language
  • visiting new places or people
  • researching a new recipe, or subject, or interest
  • intentionally trying new activities, in a new way
When we keep learning we stimulate the brain in new ways.  That process keeps us agile.  And leads to happiness.
Learning is, in fact, a lifelong process.
So, what would you like to learn today?  What are three subjects you want to explore this week?  Who are you curious about meeting, and why?


Welcome to this blog, plus some tips


It may be obvious, however, I want to encourage you to:

1.  Scroll over the boxes/categories on the sidebar for key words that interest you.

2.  Enter any word in the search button.  Then follow that post to more posts.

3.  Write a comment.  Your thoughts are more important than mine.

4.  Forward any posts to your friends/colleagues.

5.  Join the RSS feed so that you receive regular blog updates as they are posted.

The purpose of this blog is to share what works.

So, what works for you?


4 Principles of Selling in the Trust Business

Selling defines success. Nothing else is more important in your business. So what is this notion of the trust business?

Are you in the financial services business or the “trust business”? Your answer could well determine your success. The trust business is defined by what you provide for your clients. People hire you—or decide not to—based on how much they trust you. People reinvest or walk away based on how much they trust you.

Perhaps the idea of selling trust is new to you. If you think you sell products or services, you’re limiting yourself.  Here are the four principles you need to remember to be successful at selling in the trust business:


How to Act With Courage

Excellence springs from courage, but not everyone chooses to be brave. These financial advisors share how and why they acted with courage, and how it benefited their business. Consider their insights into the nature of courage, and start using it to build your business, too.

Let’s start with a definition. The word “courage” shares a root with the French word coeur, or heart. So when you act with courage, you’re acting from the heart, from your inner instincts.

I define courage as being authentic, acting from your gut. You know when your gut senses danger or trustworthiness during a first meeting with someone. Courageous actions spring from taking to heart what your gut is telling you.

The brain is involved. But there are no decision trees. In fact, your executive center may stifle courage at times. “Courage has need of reason, but it is not reason’s child; it springs from deeper strata,” wrote Herman Hesse.

For instance, if your gut instinct is that a wealthy prospect is going to be extremely difficult to work with, it may be courageous to walk away. It may be good business practice to say, “I’m not interested in moving in that direction at this time.” But that might mean giving up what seems to others to be a blockbuster account. Do you focus on the dollars? Or do you do the courageous thing and listen to your heart and your gut?

Following are six examples of people in the financial services industry who have acted with courage. Perhaps you are facing similar situations.
