How to use mobile app contests to promote business development and cross selling
Did you know that over 90% of apps are downloaded once, then not used again? That fact bothers me.
We have technology that enables us to BUILD relationships. Look at the use of Linked In and internal social sites for business development. Look at our ability to schedule tasks, and calendar priorities, and key performance indicators… However, lazy people complain about the accountability of Salesforce or any Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Or they may complain that investing in technology is like investing in a money black hole, where the value is indistinct and endless. That fear bothers me.
We use technology to build relationships.
Last week I met with2 attorneys tasked with generating $1.5MM annually for their firm. They stated, “The #1 priority for us is business development. We talk about cross-selling. But we rarely do it.” Like any firm with specialized skills, they track billable time (BT) and working time (WT).
I asked, “How valuable would it be for you to develop new business with your existing clients in other practice groups throughout the firm?”
They said, “Invaluable. If you can help us develop new business you will solve a massive problem.”
During lunch, I shared an app that I had created for them. They downloaded it immediately. Their comments were like popcorn: “This is a no brainer. We can start with our practice group. Imagine monthly business development workshops at the larger offices. Teams of 3-4 pay $100 to play for the day in a business development contest. Each team member must be in a different practice group. Corporate finance will be forced to talk with real estate, or environmental, or product liability. Those teams will upload content throughout the day. And answer questions based on a client case study. And populate or CRM system on Sharepoint. And then at 4:00 we will score the teams on a question like “Which of these teams is most likely to generate new business for our firm?” Recurring monthly business development workshops. Facilitators in the conference room for scheduled BD sessions. Technology designed to build relationships.”
What is the value to you and your company? $500,000 in new services? $1MM? More?
We provide business development consulting expertise, and customized technology that forces your team to use technology to build relationships.
Why wait? Call us today at 704.895.6479.
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